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Team Origin, il sindacato britannico guidato da Sir Keith Mills, ha annunciato di aver raggiunto un accordo con Jaguar in vista di un'intensa estate...

Vela e sponsor – Londra – Team Origin, il sindacato britannico guidato da Sir Keith Mills, ha annunciato di aver raggiunto un accordo con Jaguar in vista di un’intensa estate di attività. La partnership inizierà già durante la Cowes Week del prossimo agosto, quando il team inglese affronterà BMW Oracle Racing nella 1851 Cup. Una trsposizione in chiave moderna della storica sfida che ha dato il la alla saga dell’America’s Cup.

Questo accordo rientra nell’ambito dell’impegno di Jaguar di supportare il meglio dello sport britannico con la Jaguar Academy Sport. Proprio il logo dell’Acedmy sarà presente sullo spinnaker di Team Origin e il logo della casa automobilistica inglese farà bella mostra di sé sulle fiancate della barca.

Sir Keith Mills ha commentato: “Siamo felicissimi di dare il benvenuto a Jaguar come nostro partner. Tra Team Origin e Jaguar ci sono moltissimi punti in comune. Dato che loro hanno già fatto il massimo battendo ogni genere di concorrenza nel campo delle auto, a noi non resta che fare lo stesso, e diventare i migliori nell’ambito dell’agonismo velico”.


[Source Team Origin] Team Origin, the British America’s Cup sailing team, created by Sir Keith Mills with the single purpose of winning the America’s Cup for Great Britain is joined by Jaguar for a summer of sailing activities. The first event that will see ‘Team Origin racing with Jaguar’ is during Cowes Week this August, when they will face BMW Oracle Racing (the current holder of the America’s Cup) in the 1851 Cup event.

This new partnership is part of Jaguar’s commitment to the best of British sport under the umbrella of the Jaguar Academy of Sport, which aims to recognise, celebrate and inspire the very best of British sporting talent and success. The partnership is further strengthened by the shared commitment of both organisations to strive for improved environmental performance. This is highlighted through Team Origin’s ‘Race for Change’ strategy, and Jaguar’s advanced Lightweight Aluminium technology, which resulted in the recent win for the new XJ of a Green Award from What Car? magazine.

Sir Keith Mills, Team Principal, Team Origin, commented, “We are absolutely delighted to welcome Jaguar as our partner.There is a superb fit and alignment of purpose between  Team Origin and Jaguar. Jaguar is clearly one of the most revered and iconic British brands and, just as Jaguar is now taking on and beating the best in the automotive world, so our mission is to take on and beat the best in the world on the water. The fit is further enhanced through our shared commitment to improve our environmental performance.”

Geoff Cousins, Managing Director, Jaguar UKcommented, “To partner with TEAMORIGIN is a fantastic opportunity for Jaguar. We are looking forward to the first appearance this summer at the 1851 Cup event, an exciting competition, which will see Britain’s best sailing talent compete against the current holders of The America’s Cup. It’s a mouth-watering prospect and one we are proud to support. This is a serious British endeavour, which fits perfectly with the recently launched Jaguar Academy of Sport, which is all about investing in the future of British Sporting talent.”

Team Origin’s newly branded livery will appear during Cowes Week (racing takes place between Tuesday 3rd and Friday 6th August) and will feature striking Jaguar branding on both the hull and sails. The spinnaker will feature a Jaguar leaper in Union Jack Motif, the symbol of the Jaguar Academy of Sport.

Denise Lewis, Patron of the Jaguar Academy of Sport,commented: “As a Patron of the Jaguar Academy of Sport I was excited to learn about another exciting venture by Jaguar, which is continuing its efforts to support the best of British sport. Jaguar is building on the Jaguar Academy of Sport and really showing its commitment to the success of British sporting athletes. I am looking forward to following the racing during Cowes week, Ben Ainslie and I were together at the Sydney Olympic games, where we both won gold, and I want to wish him and the team all the best for the race and look forward to hearing the result of the 1851 Cup event.”

Ben Ainslie, Skipper and Helmsman of Team Origin,commented: “Team Origin’s goal is to win the America’s Cup for Great Britain, to achieve this we need to engage the support of like minded partners. In Jaguar, we can see great synergies where they share our passion for sport and competition at the highest level.”

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