Louis Vuitton Trophy, Team Origing annuncia la crew list
LV TrophyTeam OriginVela 3 Novembre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=888 w=300 h=204 float=left]Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nizza – Team Origin ha annunciato oggi la crew list in vista del primo appuntamento con i Louis Vuitton Trophy, in programma a Nizza tra il 7 e il 22 ottobre. Scontata la presenza di alcuni dei grandi nomi della vela olimpica inglese.
Lo skipper – e timoniere – sarà il tre volte oro olimpico Ben Ainslie mentre a ricoprire il ruolo di tattico sarà Iain Percy. In pozzetto si muoveranno anche lo stratega Andrew Simpson, assistito da Robert Greenhalgh, e il navigatore Ian Moore.
Otto saranno gli inglesi, quattro i kiwi, tre gli australiani. A bordo saranno rappresentate anche la Francia, la Danimarca e la Polonia.
Team Origin ha tra le altre cose prestato GBR-75, scafo che verrà utilizzato assieme a FRA-93 durante l’evento francese, come ricorda Ben Ainslie: “Non vediamo l’ora di scendere tra le boe. Siamo molto soddisfatti di vedere GBR-75, la nostra barca di allenamento, pronta all’ormeggio e in grande forma. Sarà una serie davvero entusiasmante”.
Team Origin, crew list
Matt Mitchell, prodiere
Julian Cressant, aiuto prodiere
George Skuodas, albero
Craig Satterthwaite, pit
Mark McTeague, grinder
Pawel Bielecki, grinder
Chris Brittle, grinder
Mike Mottl, trimmer
Christian Kamp, trimmer
Tony Mutter, trimmer randa
Robert Greenhalgh, stratega-traveller
Ben Ainslie, skipper e timoniere
Iain Percy, tattico
Ian Moore, navigatore
Andrew Simpson, stratega
Mike Sanderson, volanti
Anthony Nossiter, volanti-pit assist
Garry Bainbridge, Backup Grinder
[Team Origin Press Release] Team Origin announced today the sailing team line-up for the forthcoming Louis Vuitton Trophy regatta in Nice, Côte d’Azur which commences at the weekend. The Team Origin sailing team line-up includes many of the familiar world class sailors…along with a few new names.
Leading the team is triple Olympic gold medallist Ben Ainslie, the team’s skipper and helmsman, backed up by Iain Percy as tactician, Ian Moore as navigator, Andrew Simpson as strategist and Robert Greenhalgh as strategist/traveller – an impressive all British line-up for the afterguard.
The team includes 8 sailors from Great Britain, 4 from New Zealand, 3 from Australia, and 1 each from France, Denmark and Poland.
Mike Sanderson, Team Director, commented: “Team Origin is ready to go and looking forward to racing here in Nice. It is especially good to see GBR-75, our ACC training yacht, here on the water and in great shape thanks to the work of our shore crew over the last few weeks. It promises to be a great event”.
Ben Ainslie, team Skipper and Helmsman, added “It is great to be back on the water with so many of the guys from the team squad that sailed together in the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series in Auckland – and a few extras who will surely add their expertise and skill to our team for this event. We are looking forward to the racing starting on Saturday and should have plenty of exciting matches against some of the best teams in the world”.
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