Volvo Ocean Race, Telefonica Blue è a Stoccolma
Equipo TelefonicaOceanoVelaVolvo Ocean Race 19 Giugno 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=2839,300,204,,left]Volvo Ocean Race – Marstrand – A soli 5 giorni dal terribile impatto con il fondale al largo di Marstrand, Telefonica Blue, il VOR 70 dell’Equipo Telefonica, ha raggiunto Stoccolma e ha tagliato la linea di arrivo alle 13.24.33.
La caparbietà degli uomini di Bouwe Bekking è stata ripagata con 1 punto. Quando mancano una In-Port Race e una tappa d’altura alla fine della Volvo Ocean Race, Telefonica Blue è terzo in classifica, a 7 lunghezza da Il Mostro.
“Finalmente anche questa tappa è finita. E’ stata dura, non solo per l’incicente, ma anche per le condizioni meteo incontrate e per il fatto che sul traguardo non c’era la solita folla ad aspettarci – ha commentato Bouwe Bekking una volta a terra – Un vero peccato che sia andata così: era la tappa che aspettavo da tempo, perchè mi dava la possibilità di navigare nelle acque di casa e perchè sulla carta era a noi favorevole. E’ andata diversamente. Ora restiamo concentrati in vista della In-Port Race, che ci ha sempre regalato soddisfazioni, e poi cercheremo di dare il tutto per tutto nella regata che ci porterà a San Pietroburgo sperando di chiudere con una vittoria”.
E poi, un moto di orgoglio: “Siamo tornati, più forti di prima, perchè forgiati dagli avvenimenti. Siamo un team e l’abbiamo dimostrato. Domani è un altro giorno”.
[Volvo Ocean Race Press Release] It was the leg from hell but now it’s over. Telefonica Blue crossed the Sandhamn finish line at 13.24.33 local time, bringing the curtain down on a ninth stage that no one onboard will want to remember.
It had offered so much promise: a 525-nautical mile coastal race for a crew with the best inshore record, a team just one point off second. But it turned sour when they smashed into a rock while leading shortly after Sunday’s Marstrand start and this seventh-placed result leaves them seven points off Puma with just one in-port race and leg to go.
The team, predictably, were not in celebratory spirit and are now en route to Stockholm, where we will have further reaction. But, among the few conversations onboard, there is some fighting talk.
“Finally we have finished, but not easy,” Bouwe Bekking said. “Five miles out there was absolutely no breeze for a couple of minutes. No cheers, no handshakes when we crossed the line.”
“We know we had an absolute shocker and have given a better podium place away. On a personal note, this was the leg I have been looking so much forward to, sailing through the home waters, going around a lot of corners, a leg which suited us well on paper, but the opposite happened. Now we will focus on the in-port race, where we have the best track record by far, and then it will be sweet to finish on top in St.Petersburg.”
“We have picked up some of the family members, who will sail with us through this nice area back into Stockholm. I know they will enjoy it.”
Gabri Olivo, the team’s media crewmember, added: “I have to admit that the mood onboard is not the greatest, knowing that all your competitors have already finished. It makes it very hard for everyone sailing the boat back with no one to sail against.
“Since we left, there is not much talking going on; everyone is pretty much into his own world, dealing with his theoretical philosophy of looking of what happened. We didn’t talk much about it and it’s over now. What everyone is really into and is really keen on is winning the in-port and the next leg. This is the only way to finish this race on a decent note. There is a lot of talent on board as well as lot of pride. We’re a team and, as such, we want to show it to everyone. We will be back on the water as strong as ever before; this is a must.
“Tomorrow is another day.”
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