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La terza In-Port Race della Volvo Ocean Race, in programma a Qingdao, è stata rinviata per la seconda volta a causa della totale assenza...

[singlepic=1687,250,170,,left]Volvo Ocean Race – Qingdao – La terza In-Port Race della Volvo Ocean Race, in programma a Qingdao, è stata rinviata per la seconda volta a causa della totale assenza di vento.

Il Comitato di Regata ha riprogrammato la manche per le 10.20 ora locale (02.20 GMT) di domani. Se non sarà possibile regatare, la stessa sarà spostata a martedì e, qualora le condizioni dovessero restare identiche a quelel odierne, la In-Port Race sarà cancellata.

[Volvo Ocean Race Press Release] In-port racing in the Volvo Ocean Race was postponed for the second time in Qingdao, China today. Although the visibility had improved since yesterday, there was still not enough wind.

The Race Committee has rescheduled racing for tomorrow at 10.20 local time (02.20 GMT). If a race is unable to be held tomorrow, there will be the same schedule for Tuesday, however if no in-port race has started by 1600 local time on Tuesday, the in-port race in Qingdao will be cancelled.

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