Vendée Globe, un nuovo cambio al vertice
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 16 Dicembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1109,250,170,,left]Vendée Globe – Oceano Indiano – La notizia dell’incidente occorso a Jean Pierre Dick lascia intendere che questa mattina la Vendée Globe avrà un nuovo leader, il venticinquesimo cambio al vertice da quando la flotta ha lasciato Les Sable d’Olonne.
Ad ereditare la corona di Paprec Virbac 2, momentaneamente costretto a rallentare per cercare di riparare il timone danneggiatosi nella collisione con un corpo sommerso, dovrebbe essere Mike Golding che, su Ecover 3, avanza veloce e ha già rosicchiato quaranta miglia al diretto avversario. Il dovrebbe è d’obbligo, visto che sul gruppo di testa si sta scatenando una vera e propria tempesta, destinata ad intesificarsi nel corso della notte, e dato che, ancor prima della boa di metà percorso, la flotta ha già perso un terzo dei suoi protagonisti. Tenendo conto di tutto ciò, Golding potrebbe decidere di avanzare in sicurezza nel corso delle prossime ore, lasciando il passo a Veolia Environnement, Foncia e BT che, dalle retrovie, si fatto sotto di gran carriera.
Day 36, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) at 13973.3 nm to finish
2 – Mike Golding (Ecover 3) +34.3 nm
3 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +54.0 nm
4 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) +55.4 nm
5 – Sebastien Josse (BT) +78.1 nm
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[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_151208.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[Vendée Globe Press Release] Following this afternoon’s shock news that Jean Pierre Dick has rudder damage it seems inevitable that the morning will bring a new leader to the Vendee Globe which would be the 25th lead change since the start.
But while speeds are on the rise among most of that top group – Paprec-Virbac 2 excepted – they are in for very tough conditions tonight as the low pressure hits them hard with gusts to 50 knots. This has come up from behind which explains some of the gains made by the chasing pack.
But the question is who will be the new leader? In these conditions, given the recent attrition, and the fact we are not yet even at the half way point, then preservation will surely start to take more of a precedent.
Indeed Mike Golding who some would consider as the anointed successor to JP, chasing just 34 miles behind now, looks like the likely candidate but he is running deeper and going slightly slower than the next four boats – Veolia Environnment, Foncia, BT – who has gained 100 miles in about 36 hours – and VM Materiaux. Indeed Jean Le Cam, soft toys locked somewhere safe, has been the quickest making 20 knots.
The official abandonments of both Loïck Peyron and Bernard Stamm were received this afternoon by Race HQ in Paris. Now there are 21 of 30 starters left racing. It will be tough night.
Day 36, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) at 13973.3 nm to finish
2 – Mike Golding (Ecover 3) +34.3 nm
3 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +54.0 nm
4 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) +55.4 nm
5 – Sebastien Josse (BT) +78.1 nm
To follow the race on web click here.
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