Vendée Globe, status quo
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 24 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
Vendée Globe – Oceano Atlantico – A tratti più vicini, ad altri più lontani. Un tira e molla scandito dalle bolle d’aria più o meno intensa attraversata dai protagonisti della Vendée Globe. Tutti seguono il sentiero tracciato dall’alta pressione di Sant’Elena e puntano sud-ovest, quasi costeggiando il Brasile. Scena già vista poche settimane fa, quando a seguire la stessa autostrada sono stati i VOR 70 in altro evento impegnati.
Bolina a scendere, contro venti nodi da sud-est e mare corto, fastidioso. Condizioni che promettono di durare cinque-sette giorni, periodo durante il quale i protagonisti della regata dovranno studiare la situazione, e pianificare come, e quando, spingersi verso sud, verso il cancello obbligatorio posto al largo delle coste sudafricane.
Ad avvicinarsi a Loick Peyron, solitario leader della gara, solo Jean-Pierr Dick su Paprec-Virbac 2, ora a trentasette miglia, e Yann Elies su Generali, tornato sesto ai danni di Ecover 3 di Mike Golding.
Day 14, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 20774.8 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +29.2 nm
3 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +37 nm
4 – Riou Vincent (PRB) at +54.9 nm
5 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +56.5 nm
Per seguire la regata sul web clicca qui.
[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_231108.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[Vendée Globe Press Release] It is small gains and losses of little significance this evening bearing in mind that the St Helena High(s) are setting up something of a road block, guarding the fast trains into the Southern Ocean. At the moment it is sending the leaders the very long way round, close to the Brasilian coast as there seems no sensible way through the middle.
And at the moment there is more breeze closer to the coast. But that is balanced against sailing the shorter distance by skirting closer to the middle of the high, or as the French like to say, ‘cutting the cheese’.
For the time being it is a case of keeping the pedal down, straight lining it upwind in the 20 knots SE’ly trade winds, keeping rested, watching the maintenance of the boat and equipment in the jarring, choppy seas, and looking at the met planning for the next five to seven days.
While Jean Pierre Dick appears to have made a small advance, about four miles, the only place change among the leading group is Yann Elies (Générali), who has passed Mike Golding, GBR, (Ecover) again for sixth. While Golding has stayed very much on his track, Elies seems to have taken a little extra height over the last 70 miles or so, perhaps as the breeze backed to the east a little, or maybe working a higher mode for a while. He is now computed to be three miles ahead of Golding.
Brian Thompson, GBR, (Bahrain Team Pindar) is up to 11th place as he eases past Dominique Wavre, SUI, (Temenos II) after a long duel to the north north west of the main pack. The pair have been very evenly matched for speed, Thompson sailing slightly lower and more west, below Temenos’ line.
Steve White may be the next to toast King Neptune, crossing over the Equator some time tomorrow, will be interesting to see what the British skipper offers up to Neptune.
Day 14, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 20774.8 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +29.2 nm
3 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +37 nm
4 – Riou Vincent (PRB) at +54.9 nm
5 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +56.5 nm
To follow the race on the web click here.
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