Vendée Globe, segreti e riparazioni
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 22 Gennaio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
Vendée Globe – Oceano Atlantico – Fermatosi per una ventina d’ore nelle calme equatoriali, Roland Jourdain, seconda forza della Vendée Globe dietro a Foncia, ha ripreso velocità e cammina ora a 8.4 nodi di media. Nonostante ciò, Michel Desjoyeaux, ormai fuori dai Doldrums, è tornato ad allungare il passo e al prossimo report dovrebbe poter contare su un margine di vataggio superiore alle 400 miglia.
Una buona notizia per lo skipper di Foncia che, nel corso di uno degli ultimi collegamenti radio, ha svelato un segreto che sino ad ora aveva custodito gelosamente: “Prima della calme equatoriali ho dovuto fare i conti con dei problemi molto seri, tali da portarmi a un passo dal ritiro. Fortunatamente ne sono venuto fuori”.
Dietro alla coppia di testa la bagarre è più intensa che mai. Tra abbuoni e rimonte, infatti, nulla è deciso. Marc Guillemot, posizionato a 75 miglia dalle coste brasiliani, è incalzato da Samantha Davies, scivolata dal quarto al quinto posto. Davanti a loro, una vita dietro a Jourdain e Desjoyeaux, resiste Armel Le Cléac’h.
Fuori dalla topfive si sgomita per emergere: Thompson-Caffari-Boissières, ora all’altezza dell’Uruguay, sono raggruppati in un fazzoletto di mare.
Day 73, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) DTF 2914.2 nm
2 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +391.5 nm
3 – Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) +1022.3 nm
4 – Marc Guillemot (Safran) +1858.2 nm
5 – Samantha Davies (Roxy) +1939.0 nm
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[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_210109.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[Vendée Globe Press Release] There may be some minor encouragement for Roland Jourdain whose speed has risen to 8.4 knots this evening, but Michel Desjoyeaux’s lead has increased to 391 miles and will, almost certainly be over 400 miles again tomorrow. Jourdain will be hoping that he Doldrums are completely behind him.
Michel Desjoyeaux remains tight lipped about the problems he may have had to overcome, possibly before the Doldrums, saying in a French press report that he has been ‘……close to disaster, I have had problems which could have put an end to my race. I had a lucky escape.’
With less than 50 miles to go to the Equator the skipper of Veolia Environnement will tonight or early tomorrow morning become the second competitor to return to the North Atlantic.
Behind the leading duo there is all to play for. Marc Guillemot, positioned 75 miles off the coast of Brazil (at the latitude of Rio) has Samantha Davies, further out to sea, trying to make good the miles she lost. Although slowed down over the past few hours, she says she prefers her position to Marc Guillemot’s. For the Thompson/Caffari/Boissières trio, level with Uruguay now, the die is cast.
The Cowes skipper has slowed to just 4.8 knots this evening and has the South Atlantic branch of ‘Caffari Solo Sail Repairs’ in full swing behind him, just 20 miles away, making. She is more than 1.5 knots quicker than Bahrain Team Pindar.
Aboard his evergreen Akena Vérandas (the former VMI), which is certainly less powerful than his British rivals, Arnaud Boissières had no other choice but to attempt an option to the west to get out of an area of light winds and thundery squalls.
From Steve White, currently passing the Falklands to Norber Sedlacek in the middle of the Pacific, only Rich Wilson, heading towards the Horn was sailing above ten knots this evening.
Day 73, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) DTF 2914.2 nm
2 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +391.5 nm
3 – Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) +1022.3 nm
4 – Marc Guillemot (Safran) +1858.2 nm
5 – Samantha Davies (Roxy) +1939.0 nm
To follow the race on the web click here.
Vela20879 | In evidenza6125 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2721 | |
Breaking news2563 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2004 | English1732 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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