Vendée Globe, Sebastien Josse si ritira
IncidentiOceanoVelaVendée Globe 29 Dicembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1238,250,170,,left]Vendée Globe – Oceano Pacifico – La notizia era nell’aria già da qualche giorno, ma la certezza è arrivata solo oggi: Sebastien Josse si è ritirato dalla Vendée Globe. Lo skipper di BT, protagonista di un’ottima partecipazione, ha deciso di fare rotta verso Auckland a causa dei seri danni strutturali riportati dal suo IMOCA 60 in seguito alla scuffia di tre giorni fa.
Durante una burrasca con venti superiori ai sessanta nodi, che ha investito la flotta il giorno di Santo Stefano, BT si è sdraiato nel cavo di un’onda ed è finito con l’albero sott’acqua. Dopo lunghi minuti, la barca si è raddrizzata da sola, senza evidenti danni ad antenna e bulbo, ma con i timoni fuori asse e la coperta attraversata da alcune crepe poco rassicuranti. Dopo essersi portato in acque calme per valutare la situazione con tranquillità, Josse ha capito di non poter riparare i danni da solo ed ha comunicato l’abbandono al suo shore team.
Per seguire la regata sul web clicca qui.
[singlepic=1239,250,170,,left][Vendée Globe Press Release] Josse, who was capsized by a huge wave on 26th December, said that while he has spent the last three days sailing north towards better weather it is only within the last five or six hours that is became truly obvious that he would not be able to repair his British built Farr designed BT. Josse had sailed an assured, highly creditable race until he was flattened by the wave which was driven by 60 knot gusts in a malicious storm on Boxing Day.
He lead the race for eight days, continually balancing prudent strategies with fast boat speeds. He was in fourth place, one of the most consistent ‘four musketeers’ who have made the pace of this remarkable sixth edition of the Vendée Globe, and less than 140 miles behind Michel Desjoueaux when the incident happened.
As well as losing the mast-head wind instruments, Josse has three cracks in the coachroof of BT, damaged bulkhead but most critically his port rudder is bent and cannot be repaired.
Josse, fifth in the 2004 Vendée Globe in an older boat, had put all the intervening years of experience into the BT programme, including skippering ABN Amro 2 in the last Volvo Ocean Race.
To follow the race on the web click here.
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