Vendée Globe, prua oltre il cancello
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 4 Dicembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
Vendée Globe – Oceano Atlantico – Praticamente appaiati al primo cancello, Sebastien Josse e Eliès Yann guidano la flotta della Vendée Globe nel suo viaggio verso il profondo sud. Nel corso delle ultime ore lo skipper di Generali ha ridotto drasticamente il distacco da BT navigando molto più veloce grazie a venti favorevoli.
Venti che si mantengono tesi e da ovest-nordovest e tali resteranno nel corso dei prossimi due giorni. Ancora una volta a fare la differenza sarà l’angolo scelto e la capacità di mantenere la planata dei singoli skipper.
Mentre gli altri inseguitori, guidati da Jean Pierre Dick su Paprec Virbac 2, restano a debita distanza, nelle piazze di testa torna ad affacciarsi Jean Le Cam, proveniente da centro gruppo.
Continua imperterrita la rimonta di Foncia, lontano centossettanta miglia dalla testa ma capace di guadagnarne venticinque nel corso delle ultime ore.
Day 24, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Sebastien Josse (BT) at 18190.5 nm to finish
2 – Eliés Yann (Generali) +5.6 nm
3 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) +40.1 nm
4 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) +55 nm
5 – Jean Le Cam (VM Materiaux) +77.3 nm
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[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_031208.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[Vendée Globe Press Release] As expected Seb Josse (BT) and Yann Eliès (Generali) have been first and second to pass the security gate.
They effectively satisfied the rule – that one part of their boat must pass with the gate to their south – during the afternoon as they passed heading SE across the N-S transit of the west end of the gate. But BT then crossed through the line at 17.45 GMT, already taking a slightly more southerly angle than Generali.
Generali is measured at just 5.6 miles behind BT, the former crew-mates who cut their teeth in the Southern Ocean as crew on the maxi cat Orange, now enjoying a close tussle. Eliès, who lead the race briefly last weekend, has cut Josse’s lead from nearly 40 miles and has appeared consistently quicker, but much of the mileage changes are masked by the angles sailed to pass the ice gate, rather than the optimum route.
The only notable change in places on the evening poll, albeit small in mileage terms is Jean Le Cam swapping seventh for fifth with his old rival Bilou who drops to seventh, with Vincent Riou holding on to sixth.
Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) continues to burn up the ocean and has made nearly 25 miles on the leaders since early this morning, now chasing down Mike Golding, GBR (Ecover 3) who is 67.3 miles ahead.
Speeds among the chasing pack have risen sharply as the stronger winds kick in from astern, heralding the arrival of the expected low pressure system, Arnaud Boissieres making over 17 knots in Akenas Verandas.
Day 24, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Sebastien Josse (BT) at 18190.5 nm to finish
2 – Eliés Yann (Generali) +5.6 nm
3 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) +40.1 nm
4 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) +55 nm
5 – Jean Le Cam (VM Materiaux) +77.3 nm
To follow the race on web click here.
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