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Mentre oltre metà della flotta ha varcato l'Equatore, al comando della Vendée Globe cambia poco o nulla. I distacchi variano di un niente dietro...

Vendée Globe – Oceano Atlantico – Mentre oltre metà della flotta ha varcato l’Equatore, al comando della Vendée Globe cambia poco o nulla. I distacchi variano di un niente dietro a Loick Peyron, titolare di una leadership fatta di sostanza, ma di proporzioni tali da non permettere sonni tranquilli.
Gitana Eighty è infatti tallonata da Sebastien Josse su BT e da jean-Pierre Dick su Paprec-Virbac 2.

Per tutti rotta a scendere che si spinge verso ovest, verso quella Fernando de Noronha che per i VOR 70 della Volvo Ocean Race è stata boa obbligatoria.

Interessante il duello per il sesto posto tra Ecover 3 e Generali. Quattro-cinque ore passate quasi fianco a fianco, con velocità medie che si differenziano per un decimo di nodo appena.

Day 13, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 20528.9 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +22.7 nm
3 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +37.5 nm
4 – Riou Vincent (PRB) at +46.9 nm
5 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +51.3 nm

Per seguire la regata sul web clicca qui.

[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_221108.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.

[Vendée Globe Press Release] The only change among the leaders this evening are small differences. The leaders have been headed by a matter of a few degrees and so are heading very slightly more west. That two mile gain that Loïck Peyron made has subsided again and Gitana Eighty is now 22.7 miles ahead of BT.
Jean Pierre Dick has gained a mile, Vincent Riou has gained two, all largely due to the very slight change in course direction, the header reaching Gitana first.

But speeds remain good, Mike Golding still tops the league again this evening, he is perhaps a little more eased on his sheets, steering five degrees still to the west of the main pack on Ecover 3.

Otherwise the remarkable feature is still how closely matched the fleet leaders are. In that Ecover 3 v Générali race for sixth, there is only one tenth of a knot difference in distance over four hours.

Fourteen boats are now over into the Southern Hemisphere, the last to cross being Sam Davies this afternoon.

For those trying to get out of the Doldrums there seems to be more hope. Steve White, on Toe in the Water has been making decent headway again, though Rich Wilson on Great American has been rather glued to the spot for a while, VMG just 1.7 knots. Jonny Malbon’s speed has risen but VMG is still pretty woeful and perhaps there is still some more pain to come, as if he and those around him have not suffered enough.

Day 13, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 20528.9 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +22.7 nm
3 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +37.5 nm
4 – Riou Vincent (PRB) at +46.9 nm
5 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +51.3 nm

To follow the race on web click here.

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