Vendée Globe, Michel Desjoyeaux costretto al ritorno
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 10 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=726,250,170,,left]Vendée Globe – Les Sables d’Olonne – Continuano i contrattempi alla Vendée Globe. Dopo i momentanei ritiri di Temenos e Cheminées Poujoulat, a fare ritorno verso Les Sables d’Olonne è Foncia. Michel Desjoyeaux ha infatti comunicato al Comitato Organizzatore che, a causa di una piccola falla in uno dei ballast, si è verificato un corto circuito che impedisce il corretto funzionamento dell’alternatore.
Il solitario francese, tra i favoriti della vigilia, conta di essere a destinazione verso le 22.00 di oggi e di riprendere il mare quanto prima.
Per seguire la regata via web clicca qui.
[Vendée Globe Press Release] At 09.19 CET this morning, while around 200 nautical miles from Les Sables d’Olonne, Michel Desjoyeaux – the skipper of Foncia – informed his team that he had decided to turn back to port. A small leak in one of the ballast tanks caused an electrical problem making it impossible to start the engine to recharge his batteries.
The shore team is preparing for his return this evening to Les Sables d’Olonne, in order to carry out repairs and set off again, as quickly as possible.
Michel Desjoyeaux on Foncia: “I had a small leak in the ballast system and underestimated its importance and the damage. This morning I started up the engine and after forty minutes of charging, I could smell something burning. The engine was taking a swimming lesson and didn’t appreciate it. I have already done part of a round the world voyage with an engine which was extremely difficult to start, but if it wasn’t going to work at all… I therefore took the decision to turn around. I hope to reach Les Sables d’Olonne by 2200h and that the sea, which is already high, will allow me to do that, so we can get to work on the repairs”.
The skipper of Foncia has just announced to the race directors that he is returning to port with electrical problems after a leak in his ballast system.
To follow the race through the web click here.
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