Vendée Globe, luce alla fine del tunnel
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 20 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=827,170,250,,left]Vendée Globe – Equatore – Velocità che crollano, mare immobile e caldo opprimente. I Doldrums stanno stringendo nel loro abbraccio da oltre ventiquattro ore i protagonisti della Vendée Globe. Loick Peyron (Gitana Eighty), avvicinatosi all’equatore da leader, ha visto il suo vantaggio su Sebastien Josse (BT) aumentare sensibilmente, mentre Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) e Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac), impegnati in un duello ravvicinato, si sono scambiati la terza e la quarta piazza. Quinto, per i computer, è ora Generali di Elies Yann, una lettura che non deve trarre in inganno: nel corso dell’ultimo rilevamento, infatti, la posizione di Vincent Riou e del suo PRB, tra i primi sino a ieri pomeriggio, non è stata fissata. Buona sino ad ora la prova di Mike Golding su Ecover 3, che, facendo registrare la miglior media notturna, difende con i denti la settima posizione e con essa il titolo di migliore partecipante internazionale.
I primi, entrati nella zona di calma da ormai ventiquattro ore, vedono la luce alla fine del tunnel. Meno di centocinquanta miglia e i venti torneranno a farsi tesi e la regata potrà riprendere la sua veloce discesa verso sud.
Day 10, 05.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 21164.6 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +39.2 nm
3 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +55.9 nm
4 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +59.4 nm
5 – Elies Yann (Generali) at +84.6 nm
Per seguire la regata via web clicca qui.
[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_interviste_201108.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[singlepic=828,170,250,,left][Vendée Globe Press Release] Leaders have another 160 miles of slower sailing before emerging from the Doldrums. Loïck Peyron’s (Gitana Eighty) lead has grown to the 39.2 miles ahead of Sébastien Josse (BT) Speeds overnight have remained slow but steady. Armel Le Cléach (Brit Air) and Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac) swap third and fourth. Mike Golding, GBR, (Ecover 3) remains seventh, best international skipper.
After a slow spell before about midnight last night the leading Vendée Globe pack can see light at the end of the tunnel, with another 150 miles or so of light, fickle winds before emerging into more solid breezes. It has been another hard night’s work, but especially rewarding for Loïck Peyron who has gained some15 miles more on second placed Seb Josse (BT). Racing side by side for much of yesterday Armel Le Cléach and Jean-Pierre Dick are judged to have exchanged third and fourth. Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) is computed to be third now, but is ten miles to the east of Dick as the pack slants on a south easterly course.
Leader Peyron has taken more than 30 miles of east during the last schedule. The leaders have made steady progress, but now look to have a period of lighter, unstable winds to break through. The comeback of Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) continues apace from his western position, and he is now back up to eighth position. He is about 70 miles due west of Mike Golding and made the best average speed and distance overnight, but is still 125 miles off the lead. Golding, GBR, (Ecover 3) had a spell of three gybes during yesterday evening and early in the night and has seen ‘miles to leader’ figure rise slightly, although his speeds have remained consistent. The chasing pack has slowed a little too but Dominique Wavre, SUI, (Temenos II), Sam Davies, GBR, (Roxy) and Brian Thompson (Bahrain Team Pindar) are having a good race together with less than 20 miles separating them, Thompson in hot pursuit of his former crew, Davies, who is some 15 miles ahead. Trying a more daring easterly option Jonny Malbon, GBR, (Artemis II), Unai Basurko, ESP, (Pakea Bizkaia), and Rich Wilson, USA, (Great American III) are around 200 miles closer to the African coast.
Day 10, 05.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) a 21164.6 miles to finish
2 – Seb Josse (BT) at +39.2 nm
3 – Le Cléac’h Armel (Brit Air) at +55.9 nm
4 – Jean-Pierre Dick (Paprec-Virbac 2) at +59.4 nm
5 – Elies Yann (Generali) at +84.6 nm
To follow the race on web click here.
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