Vendée Globe, giornata di arrivi a Les Sables d’Olonne
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 17 Febbraio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1740,250,170,,left]Vendée Globe – Les Sables d’Olonne – Giornata di arrivi quella che si è appena conclusa a Les Sables d’Olonne, dove a tagliare il traguardo sono stati tre solitari. A completare la Vendée Globe, nell’0rdine Marc Guillemot (Safran), Brian Thompson (Bahrain Team Pindar) e Dee Caffari (Aviva).
Grande è stata la soddisfazione di Guillemot che, raggiunta la linea di arrivo alla 01.21 GMT di domenica notte, ha fatto sua la terza posizione. Lo skipper di Safran, per certi versi, ha portato a termine un’impresa epica. A 1000 miglia dall’arrivo, infatti, il suo IMOCA 60 ha perso il bulbo e da quel momento Guillemot, determinato a finire la sua avventura, ha continuato a navigare contando solo sul momento raddrizzante garantito dai ballast. Il suo obiettivo era quello di contenere entro 50 ore il distacco da Samantha Davies: ricordiamo che il solitario di La Trinité sur Mer ha potuto contare su un abbuono di 82 ore – 32 per la Davies – giuria per aver partecipato alle operazioni di recupero di Yann Eliés.
Alla fine, con un tempo complessivo di 95 giorni 3 ore 19 minuti e 36 secondi, Marc Guillemot, classificatosi terzo a pari merito con il ritirato Vincent Riou – finito senz’albero mentre tentava di portare in salvo Jean Le Cam – ha anticipato Sam Davies, comunque protagonista di una grande partecipazione, di 1 ora 19 minuti e 25 secondi.
Nel tardo pomeriggio si sono invece registrati gli arrivi di Brian Thompson (Bahrain Team Pindar) e Dee Caffari (Aviva), quinto e sesta di una Vendée Globe davvero in grado di tenere fede al proprio nome.
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L’arrivo di Marc Guillemot (Safran). Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
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L’arrivo di Marc Guillemot (Safran). Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
Vendée Globe 2008-2009, classifica finale
1° Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia), 84g 03h 09m 04s
2° Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air), 89g 09h 39m 35s
3° Marc Guillemot (Safran), 95g 03h 19m 36s
4° Samantha Davies (Roxy), 95g 04h 39m 01s
5° Brian Thompson (Bahrain Team Pindar) 98g 20h 29m 55s
seguono sei solitari
[Vendée Globe Press Release] Marc Guillemot (Safran) crossed the Les Sables d’Olonne finish line at 01.21 GMT this morning (Sunday) to clinch a hard won third place in this epic sixth edition of the Vendée Globe solo non stop around the world race.
To complete his first Vendée Globe the skipper has had to sail for the final 1000 miles, since he was just to the NE of the Azores, with no keel. His keel dropped out of his boat on Monday 9th February and since then the skipper from La Trinité has had to sail prudently but still managed to wrest third from Sam Davies, GBR, (Roxy) who finished yesterday. Guillemot received a time compensation of 82 hours for diverting from his course to assist in the evacuation of injured Yann Eliès 800 miles south of Australia in the Southern Ocean.
Accompanied by a fleet of media and spectator boats Guillemot crossed the finish line on a chilly, dark night, ending his epic race having taken a net 95 days 3 hours 19 minutes and 36 seconds to complete the course. His margin over Sam Davies, GBR, (Roxy) who gets fourth is 1h 19mins 25s.
Guillemot said : “It is an incredible moment, there have been many great moments on this course, especially the time I spend close to Yann”.
“All these emotions, all the image, everything stops when you cross the line. I have a head which is overflowing with images and emotions, it is amazing”.
“And on top of that all I am on the podium. It is incredible. The fact I had Sam beside me motivated me to go a bit faster, and I think me being with her pushed her, we pushed one another”.
“Since this morning I have been counting down the time to third place. And being surrounded by the English I did not want to let them get ahead of me. I was just focussed on my course”.
“I found like Bilou did that sailing without a keel is amazing. But I have a boat which is very stable. I would never have thought it possible to get back without a keel but I don’t want to try it again”.
“I now want to enjoy this Vendée Globe with my friends and my family. For the for a future Vendée Globe it is not something to decide like this”.
Vendée Globe 2008-2009, final standing
1° Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia), 84g 03h 09m 04s
2° Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air), 89g 09h 39m 35s
3° Marc Guillemot (Safran), 95g 03h 19m 36s
4° Samantha Davies (Roxy), 95g 04h 39m 01s
5° Brian Thompson (Bahrain Team Pindar) 98g 20h 29m 55s
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