Vendée Globe, Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) premiato dall’opzione sud
OceanoVelaVendée Globe 8 Dicembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1037,250,170,,left]Vendée Globe – Oceano Indiano – Nell’approccio all’Oceano Indiano, la scelta sud ha pagato. Ora che la porta dei ghiacchi è stata superata e il cambio di Oceano compiuto, i solitari della Vendée Globe sono lanciati all’inseguimento di un nuovo leader, Jean Pierre Dick. Paprec-Virbac 2, appunto, ha navigato più a sud di tutti. Latitudini dove il vento, nelle ora passate, è stato più forte e favorevole in direzione. Armi utili a Dick per tornare al comando della regata dopo le lunghe giornate scandite dalla supremazia del binomio Peyron-Josse.
Ora che la flotta si sta spingendo nello stretto passaggio tra un bassa e un’alta pressione, il vento è lo stesso per tutti. Le velocità medie, infatti, sono prossime. Loick Peyron, quarto, viaggia a 18.3 al pari di Dick, mentre Mike Golding su Ecover 3, entrato d’autorità tra i primi cinque, spunta appena un decimo in più.
Stessa brezza e stessa prua. Si segue il sentiero tracciato dallo scontro dei due fronti, immaginando il momento in cui si punterà sudest, verso le latitudini più fredde e impegnative, battute dai Quaranta Ruggenti.
Ormai a ridosso della vetta, prosegue l’exploit di Foncia. Michel Desjoyeaux, messa da parte l’idea di preservare il mezzo pur di recuperare il terreno perso nei giorni seguenti il via, spinge con decisione il pedale del gas e fa segnare spunti che, ormai da diversi rilevamenti, non temono concorrenza. Sorpassati Riou ed Eliés sabato pomeriggio, Desjoyeaux, che giorni fa accusava un ritardo di quasi settecento miglia, ha messo nel mirino Jean Le Cam, sesto a novanta miglia dal leader.
Day 28, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) at 16876.4 nm to finish
2 – Sebastien Josse (BT) +29.0 nm
3 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +42.7 nm
4 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) +51.1 nm
5 – Mike Golding (Ecover 3) +57.9 nm
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[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Vendee_071208.flv /]
Video courtesy Vendée Globe.
[singlepic=1036,250,170,,left][Vendée Globe Press Release] As Jean Pierre Dick leads by 29 miles tonight fastest in the fleet are Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) and Mike Golding (Ecover 3) racing less than ten miles apart. Both were making 18.3 knots, and in the four hours between the position reports Golding has averaged 18.4 knots to Peyron’s 18 knots. Peyron is fourth and Golding fifth.
But one question everyone is asking now is ‘how much higher can Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) go?’.
He is already in seventh place, gaining two today. Over the last week his work has been less easy but since last Sunday night he has claimed four places and gained 102 miles against the leaders. He was once 671 miles behind. But now he is very much confined to the same weather system, racing on the same waters as the leading group. His speed this evening? 18.4 knots over the last hour and 18.2 knots between the standings. Does it need saying that ‘Le Profeseur’ is quick? He has just over four miles to catch Jean Le Cam then a barrier of about 30 miles stands between Foncia and the top five.
A few days ago Mich’ Desj’ entered the top 10, how long can the top 5 hold out?
Desjoyeaux passed Riou and Eliès on Saturday, he is now gunning for Le Cam with the gap shrunk by 15 miles in the last four hours to a slender. To the fireside spectators at home it is compelling. But for those adversaries in the Indian Ocean it must be frustrating. He is just faster, plain and simple, not the consequence of some daring strategy. Everyone keeps insisting on the need to preserve the boat and equipment. It would thus seem that Desj’ is placing the cursor higher than those around him. He has no hesitation in putting his foot down to get back to the front. If he keeps going at this pace, the question becomes not if, but when will he grab the overall lead and will he then ease off?
Day 28, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Jean Pierre Dick (Paprec Virbac 2) at 16876.4 nm to finish
2 – Sebastien Josse (BT) +29.0 nm
3 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +42.7 nm
4 – Loïck Peyron (Gitana Eighty) +51.1 nm
5 – Mike Golding (Ecover 3) +57.9 nm
To follow the race on web click here.
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