OSTAR 2009, ultimi controlli prima del via
OceanoOSTARVela 21 Maggio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
OSTAR 2009 – Plymouth – Stanno convergendo verso Plymouth gli iscritti alla OSTAR, la regata oceanica forse più romantica, che, a partire dalle 12.30 di lunedì, impegnerà oltre 40 imbarcazioni lungo la rotta che unisce la località inglese a Newport.
Giungono da tutto il mondo i partecipanti e, com’è abitudine in questa manifestazione, lo faranno sino alle 18.00 di oggi, termine ultimo per comunicare il proprio ingresso nel Queen Anne Battery Marina. Solo due giorni fa, ad esempio, è arrivato Rubicon, l’Outbound 44 di Peter Bourke, giunto in marina direttamente dagli Stati Uniti. Come recente è l’arrivo di Oscar Med, il più giovane partecipante nella storia della regata, pronto a prendere il largo a bordo del suo King of Shaves.
Dopo la pioggia e il vento forte dei giorni passati, i futurin protagonisti della regata hanno approfittato del sostanziale miglioramento delle condizioni meteo per svuotare le barche e prepararsi per l’imminente partenza.
Tra i favoriti Anne Casaneuve a bordo del suo Croisiere Anne Casaneuve, un trimarano Class 50.
Cinque gli italiani in gara: Marco Nannini su British Beagle, Gianfranco Tortolani su Città di Salerno, Luca Trentini su Fibra, Roberto Westermann su Spinning Wheel e Luca Zoccoli su In Direzione Ostinata e Contraria.
Ricordiamo che i record da battere lungo la rotta che unisce Plymouth a Newport sono rispettivamente di 14 giorni 16 ore e 1 minuto per i monoscafi (Cacolac d’Aquitaine, Yves Parlier, 1992) e 9 giorni 23 ore e 21 minuti per i multiscafi (Eure et Loire, Francis Joyon, 2000).
[OSTAR 2009 Press Release] The clock is ticking in the countdown to the start of the 13th edition of OSTAR. Every day more yachts arrive from all parts of the UK & Europe and some have come from much further afield. Austrians Reini and Sandra Gelder have been on a three year cruise from Australia to bring their 40ft trimaran Light for the World to the start whilst Peter Bourke sailed in 2 days ago from the USA. Yesterday one of the Italian boats arrived on the back of a truck and was being put back together this morning
This afternoon’s new arrivals have included Oscar Mead on King of Shaves who is the youngest competitor to have qualified for an OSTAR together with two Dutch boats, the Open 40 La Promesse and Dick Koopmans 35ft yacht Jager.
Compared to the last few days of strong winds and cloudy skies, Queen Anne’s Battery Marina was looking positively festive in the sunshine today with the flags of the eight competing nations flying along with the OSTAR race flags on all the boats. Many of the skipper’s took the opportunity to empty their boat’s contents on to the pontoon to clear out their interiors and only put back what is essential for the upcoming voyage. Hannah White’s mum was to be seen carrying a Hoover along the pontoon intent on making sure that her daughter at least starts with a clean boat. Maybe there will be a parental inspection in Newport!
Many yachts were receiving attention from the local marine specialists who were repairing engines, generators, electronics, bending on new sails, checking the rigging and fitting new equipment. This activity wont stop until late in the weekend as some skippers battle to complete their “to do lists”.
The deadline for yachts to arrive in Plymouth is fast approaching at 18.00 on Thursday. The official programme then kicks in with an informal supper for the skippers at the Royal Western Yacht Club.
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Monotipia4165 | Oceano2721 | |
Breaking news2563 | Altura2447 | |
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America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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