[BREAKING NEWS] Vendée Globe, PRB ha disalberato
IncidentiOceanoVelaVendée Globe 8 Gennaio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1312,170,250,,left]Vendée Globe – Oceano Pacifico – Alle 19.20 GMT, appena novanta minuti dopo aver doppiato Capo Horn, Vincent Riou, skipper di PRB, ha chiamato il suo shore team per comunicare: “Abbiamo disalberato. Siamo tra le isole e non abbiamo riportato danni fisici”. Immediatamente, la Direzione Gara della Vendée Globe ha allertato la Marina cilena che, a sua volta, ha dato disposizione alla nave Alacalufe di lasciare Port Williams, distante 55 miglia dal luogo dell’incidente.
Al momento del sinistro, PRB, che durante l’evacuazione di VM Materiaux aveva riportato la rottura dell’outrigger di sinistra, si trovava in posizione 55°S-65°59’W, a circa 7.8 miglia a nordovest dal faro di Capo Horn. Sulla zona soffia un vento di circa 25 nodi da nordovest. Vista la vicinanza della terra ferma è molto improbabile che Riou e Le Cam riescano ad approntare un armo di emergenza.
Un’ora dopo la prima chiamata, Riou ha ricontattato il quartier generale della Vendée Globe per comunicare che non è sua intenzione lanciare un mayday. Il solitario francese, avvisato dell’imminente arrivo della Alacalufe, sta comunque cercando di localizzare una nave disposta ad aiutarli, forse sta pensando proprio a Isabelle Autissier, con la quale aveva da poco fissato un appuntamento per trasferire Jean Le Cam.
Ancora incerte sono le cause del sinistro, anche se i due solitari pensano che a cedere sia stata la riparazione provvisoria approntata subito dopo l’impatto tra le sartie di PRB e la lama di deriva di VM Materiaux.
Day 58, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) DTF 6590.5 nm
2 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +102.0 nm
3 – Vincent Riou (PRB) +641.4 nm
4 – Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) +641.8 nm
5 – Samantha Davies (Roxy) +1858.8 nm
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[Vendée Globe Press Release] At 19.20 GMT, only a matter of an hour and 20 minutes since passing Cape Horn, Vincent Riou called his team to report that PRB has been dismasted. Riou called his team and said bluntly: “We have been dismasted. We are in the islands.” When the call was made PRB was in a position approximately 55°S and 65°59’W, about 7.8 miles to the North West of the Cape Horn light. Both skippers Riou and Le Cam are safe and well.
He called back to his team about an hour later, saying that he did not want to issue a Mayday signal, but was trying to locate a suitable vessel to tow them, perhaps through the contacts of Isabelle Autissier. He had been on the phone to Isabelle discussing their planned rendezvous tomorrow not long before the mast collapsed. They believe that the temporary lashing which they had made to the chainplate gave way.
They had around 25 knots of NW’ly wind when the rig came down but have a limited chance of setting a jury rig while they are in the islands. Riou and Le Cam acted quickly to cut away the rigging and free the broken mast. Since they cut the mast free PRB is reported to be drifting at 1.5 knots to a course of about 25 degrees, effectively away from the islands.
A PAN PAN call was made, a simple request to any available assistance, as opposed to the obligations of a Mayday. Vendée Globe Race Direction have been in contact with the Chilean authorities. The 32.7 m general purpose vessel Alacalufe of the Chilean Navy has been dispatched from Port Williams, 55 miles away. Making around 20 knots it is due to reach PRB around 02.00 GMT.
Day 58, 20.00 GMT, ranking
1 – Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) DTF 6590.5 nm
2 – Roland Jourdain (Veolia Environnement) +102.0 nm
3 – Vincent Riou (PRB) +641.4 nm
4 – Armel Le Cléac’h (Brit Air) +641.8 nm
5 – Samantha Davies (Roxy) +1858.8 nm
To follow the race on the web click here.
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Monotipia4165 | Oceano2721 | |
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Derive2004 | English1732 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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