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A due sole settimane dal via della Barcelona World Race, Dominique Wavre e Michèle Paret hanno varato Mirabaud. L'IMOCA 60 ha toccato le acque...

Barcelona World Race – Barcellona – A due sole settimane dal via della Barcelona World Race, Dominique Wavre e Michèle Paret hanno varato Mirabaud. L’IMOCA 60 ha toccato le acque di Barcellona oggi pomeriggio, sulle note cantate dalla nota cantante lirica spagnola, Ainhoa Arteta. La scelta di coinvolgere Arteta è derivata dagli interessi dello sponsor, uno banca privata da anni attenta al mondo dell’agonismo velico internazionale e, dal 2003, anche al mondo della lirica.

Il varo ha rappresentato un momento formale molto emozionante per gli elementi del team. Mirabaud era comunque già stato impegnato in una lunga serie di test seguenti agli importanti lavori di modifica e messa a punto svolti nel corso dei mesi passati. All’IMOCA 60 sono stati sostituiti l’intero box della chiglia, il motore entrobordo e diversi arredi interni al fine di migliorare l’assetto e, di conseguenza, le performance complessive.

“Dopo aver chiuso terzi la precedente edizione della Barcelona World Race – ha puntualizzato Dominque Wavre – siamo ai blocchi di partenza con l’intenzione di fare meglio. Credo che questa volta siamo davvero ben preparati: abbiamo una barca eccellente e tutto quello che serve per puntare alla vittoria”.

Ora al team non resta che approntare la barca in vista di almeno tre mesi di Oceano.

[Mirabaud Press Release] With only two weeks to go before the start of the Barcelona World Race, Dominique Wavre et Michèle Paret’s yacht was officially baptised Mirabaud this evening by Spanish singer Ainhoa Arteta.

Mirabaud & Cie, banquiers privés, have been involved in competitive sailing for many years. From 2003, the bank has also been an avid supporter of classical music, in particular through the ‘Mirabaud Concerts’ at the Lauenen Chamber Music Festival and in their partnership with the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

As Mirabaud Associate and CEO Antonio Palma explains, “This christening ceremony brings together two of Mirabaud’s great passions. We are extremely proud to have Ainhoa Arteta as the yacht’s godmother and we are sure she will bring our team plenty of luck.”

Ainhoa Arteta attended the San Sebastian Conservatoire and later studied at the Actor’s Studio in New York before her debut at the Palm Beach Opera in Florida. She is hailed as one of the Iberian Peninsula’s greatest classical singers. “My career has offered me the opportunity to live moments of exception such as this one, and to meet extraordinary people like Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret”, she said. “I wish you good luck for this extraordinary adventure.”

On the 31st of December, Mirabaud will line up for the start of the Barcelona World Race: the non-stop double-handed race around the globe. Following a long period of boat development and sea trials, Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret are raring to go. “It’s a poignant moment for us,” Wavre explained during the christening. “Having Mirabaud’s backing has meant we have been able to prepare exactly as we wanted for this latest round the world race. We finished third in the last Barcelona World Race, and we intend to at least match that position for this edition. I’m really looking forward to getting started as I think we’re very well prepared; we have an excellent boat and all the elements on our side for a successful race.”

Thanks to the support of Mirabaud, Dominique Wavre and Michèle Paret have been able to carry out major improvements to their boat. The keel box has been replaced, in addition to many modifications designed to improve the balance, and therefore the performance, of the yacht. An improved chart table has been designed and fitted, and a new lighter engine installed in the bilges.

All that remains now is to provision the boat for three months at sea and check a few final details before casting off for what is shaping up to be one of the most exciting round the world races ever.

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