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Si è svolto presso il Rex Royal St. Lucian Hotel il party di benvenuto per i protagonisti dell'edizione 2009 dell'Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. Una...

Atlantic Rally for Cruisers – Rodney Bay – Si è svolto presso il Rex Royal St. Lucian Hotel il party di benvenuto per i protagonisti dell’edizione 2009 dell’Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. Una festa che, grazie ai consistenti Alisei, ha contato più presenze che mai: l’anno scorso, infatti, solo 29 erano gli equipaggi già giunti all’ormeggio, mentre quest’anno la conta si è fermata oltre i 120.

A dare il benvenuto ai partecipanti, ancora in attesa di conoscere il nome del vincitore assoluto in tempo compensato – ricordiamo che i line honours sono andati al VOR 60 Big One – è stato il responsabile dell’Ufficio del Turismo Louis Lewis e il general manages del Marina di Rodney Bay, Adam Foster. Il primo a prendere la parola è stato il direttore della regata Andrew Bishop che ha ricordato gli oltre 80 equipaggi ancora in mare.

Proprio mentre il party era in corso di svolgimento 14 barche hanno tagliato il traguardo e una parte di essi hanno raggiunto i compagni di avventura già impegnati in balli scatenati da alcune ore.

[Atlantic Rally fior Cruisers Press Release] Pigeon Island and the waters of Rodney Bay provided the spectacular backdrop to the Caribbean beach setting as the venue for the welcome party at the Rex Royal St Lucian Hotel hosted by the Saint Lucia Tourist Board last night. With the consistent winds on the ARC this year the average passage times have all been reduced by almost three days and so there were more boats in Saint Lucia for this party than ever before! Last year 29 yachts had finished in time to attend the party; this year it was 120!

Caribbean welcome partyShuttle bus taxis brought the seemingly endless stream of participants the short distance from IGY Rodney Bay Marina to the Rex Royal, its’ immaculate gardens providing a stunning entrance through to the party on Reduit Beach, with the sound of live steel pan music wafting across the nights airs in welcome.

ARC participants were welcomed to Saint Lucia by The Director of the Saint Lucia Tourist Board, Mr Louis Lewis, and to IGY Rodney Bay Marina by the new General Manager, Mr Adam Foster. ARC Event Director, Andrew Bishop, thanked the hosts, and asked all attendees to remember the 85 yachts still at sea and yet to arrive.

Live bands and fire dancers kept the crowds entertained throughout the evening as participants and guests enjoyed the Caribbean beach buffet, and a bar that seemed to keep flowing well into the night, to ensure a memorable party for all.

Whilst the partying went on, a further 14 yachts finished and were berthed between 2000 and 0200. Now a busy day of arrivals lies ahead, with good winds keeping everyone sailing well towards Saint Lucia, where a warm Caribbean welcome awaits them.

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