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A 15° di latitudine sud, ovvero circa 900 miglia dal cambio emisfero, il sole è già allo Zenith sulle teste dell'equipaggio di Franck Cammas....

Trofeo Jules Verne – Oceano Atlantico – A 15° di latitudine sud, ovvero circa 900 miglia dal cambio emisfero, il sole è già allo Zenith sulle teste dell’equipaggio di Franck Cammas. Per Stan Honey e Sylvain Mondon, navigatore e routard, è il momento di iniziare a lavorare duramente per tentare di negoziare un passaggio attraverso i famigerati Doldrums.

Ma più che temere le calme equatoriali, a bordo di Groupama 3 si è soddisfatti perchè l’imminente cambio di emisfero permetterà di allontanarsi definitivamente da un tratto di Oceano che è costato molto in termini di risorse fisiche e mentali, oltrechè di miglia. Nel giro degli ultimi dieci giorni, infatti, il team francese ha visto l’ombra di Orange 2 allontanarsi passo dopo passo, sino ad accumulare uno svantaggio di oltre 450 miglia. Ora, con 4.200 miglia da percorrere, l’impresa non sembra poi così semplice, anche se non va dimenticato che nel 2005 Orange 2, ostacolato da condizioni meteo sfavorevoli, andò in crisi dopo il passaggio dell’Equatore, mentre il meteo pare essere in linea con le aspettative di Groupama 3.

“Il tempo è buono e stiamo navigando sotto un sole spendente: in coperta si sta benissimo. Il vento è moderato, il mare calmo e non c’è alcun rumore. L’altra notte era così caldo che ho dormito sul trampolino: sottocoperta abbiamo registrato più di 40 gradi. Sono più stanco di quando eravamo nel profondo sud. Ora stiamo per entrare nella zona di scambio tropicale con una quindicina di nodi di vento: sono le condizioni ideali di Groupama 3. Poco fa abbiamo mandato Loic Le Migno in testa d’albero per un check-up completo all’attrezzatura e all’elettronica” ha spiegato Lionel lemonchois nel corso di un collegamento orario.

Groupama 3, terzo tentativo giro del mondo senza scalo
Miglia rimanenti, 4.250 mn
Differenza sul tempo di riferimento, 470 mn di svantaggio

Per seguire Groupama 3 sul traking clicca qui.

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Video copyright Groupama Voile.

[Groupama Voile Press Release] At 15°S, Groupama 3 is 900 miles from the switch of hemispheres, but the sun is at its zenith as the crew approach the boreal spring: the Doldrums, it too stretched across the equator, is already in the sights of navigator Stan Honey and the onshore router Sylvain Mondon. As such the trimaran can now set a direct course for this point at 32°W.

The beat finally seems to be at an end! This is certainly the case for the southern hemisphere and probably true of the northern hemisphere… Indeed, there’s still a long way to go, the equivalent of that of a Transat Jacques Vabre, which nearly all the crew of Groupama 3 have already competed in over past years. However, in this case, it’s from Brazil to Ushant that these 4.250 miles are to be devoured and there are now just ten and a half days in which to do so! In the meantime the pace is gradually picking up and the separation, which has reached 470 miles, is stabilising. All that remains now is to reduce their deficit… This should start to happen this weekend as Orange 2 only made a moderate pace in 2005 on her equatorial passage and took nearly nine and a half days between the switch of hemispheres and her arrival in Brittany.

“The weather’s good and we’re sailing in glorious sunshine: it’s perfect weather for staying outdoors! There isn’t a lot of wind, not very big seas and no noise… It was so hot last night that I slept on the trampoline up forward because down below, it was bordering on 40°C. I feel more tired than when we were in the Deep South… We’re in the process of entering the tradewinds with around fifteen knots of breeze, where we’ll be able to make fast headway. Groupama 3 is particularly fond of these conditions. We even sent Loïc Le Mignon up the mast to do a check-up and a spot of DIY on the wind sensors” indicated Lionel Lemonchois at the 11.30 UTC radio link-up with Groupama‘s Race HQ in Paris.

Under the stars
The gennaker is scheduled for Saturday with the gradual rotation of the wind from the NE to the E, then the SE. As such the seventeen knot average speed over the past few hours is set to increase once the E’ly tradewinds become more established. Furthermore, the Doldrums at this latitude don’t appear to be either overly developed or overly active… Orange 2 took 40d 19h 05′ to reach the equator in 2005: it is now an established fact that Groupama 3 will be a day (plus or minus a few hours) behind the reference time when they switch hemispheres.

“We’re still concentrated and relaxed: there’s no reason to be tense because we’re still a long way from the finish and the weather may be favourable for us at the end of the course. The die have not yet been cast: we’ve got a lot to do! The current conditions are very good for Groupama 3, which is lighter and carrying a lot of sail area: the boat is pleasant in relation to Orange 2 which found it difficult in the light airs, as much in terms of heading as speed… I recall a hard day in 2005 during a Brazilian transition”.

From the Round the World to the Rhum
Aboard Groupama 3, three crew are preparing for the next Route du Rhum: Franck Cammas and Thomas Coville in the maxi-multihull category, and Lionel Lemonchois on a fifty foot trimaran.

“We should cross the equator around 30°W: we’re now going dead straight and have our fingers crossed that we can carve out a very direct trajectory towards Ushant. We could even head to the East of the Azores! This round the world, aside from a large chunk in the Indian Ocean, hasn’t really favoured the boat. If we’d had the conditions that Orange 2 enjoyed, we’d be at least four days ahead! For now we’re keeping our minds busy with projects after the finish… Along with Thomas and Franck, we’re already spending a bit of time discussing the next Route du Rhum!”.

Groupama 3, third attempt
Miles to cover, 4.250 mn
Difference on reference time, 470 mn back

To follow Groupama 3 on traking click here.

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