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Prenderà il largo venerdì Groupama 3 per lanciarsi nel suo tentativo di migliorare il record sulla rotta Marsiglia-Cartagine. Franck Cammas, che da qualche giorno...

[singlepic=7,300,204,,left]Vela e record – Marsiglia – Prenderà il largo venerdì Groupama 3 per lanciarsi nel suo tentativo di migliorare il record sulla rotta Marsiglia-Cartagine. Franck Cammas, che da qualche giorno aspettava una finestra meteo favorevole, ha quindi chiamato Gildas Philippe a sostituirlo alla barra di Groupama 40, l’Extreme 40 che nei prossimi giorni prenderà parte alla prima tappa dell’iShare Cup 2009.

A comunicare la disponibilità di una finestra meteo favorevole è stato Sylvain Modon di Meteo France: l’assalto al record di Bruno Peyron, che con Orange II raggiunge Cartagine da Marsiglia in 17 ore e 56 minuti, avrà inizio domani mattina. L’equipaggio sta convergendo al Marina dell’Estaque di Marsiglia, dove Groupama 3 è ormeggiato.

“Per riuscire nel nostro tentativo dovremo viaggiare alla media di 25.53 nodi. Le condizioni meteo paiono favorevoli, anche se potrebbero rendersi obbligatorie alcune strambate mentre navigheremo sotto gennaker lungo il percorso. Abbiamo ottimizzato la barca per regatare in sette anzichè dieci perchè la durata del tentativo ci permetterà di stare tutti svegli sino all’arrivo. Abbiamo un team fortissimo, rinforzato dagli arrivi di Lionel Lemonchois e Thomas Coville” ha spiegato Franck Cammas.

Equipaggio di Groupama 3
1) Franck Cammas
2) Frédéric Le Peutrec
3) Stève Ravussin
4) Loïc Le Mignon
5) Ronan Le Goff
6) Lionel Lemonchois
7) Thomas Coville
On shore: Sylvain Mondon (weather adviser)

[Groupama Press Release] As he’ll be taking the helm of the Groupama 3 trimaran on Friday in an attempt to beat the Mediterranean crossing record between Marseilles and Carthage, Franck Cammas has called upon Gildas Philippe to replace him at the helm of the Groupama 40 catamaran in Venice, where the first event in the iShares Cup circuit is being held.

Groupama 3 in the starting-blocks
On weather watch for the past week, Franck Cammas, skipper of Groupama 3, and Sylvain Mondon from Météo France, have just confirmed the presence of a favourable weather window to tackle the Mediterranean crossing record held by Bruno Peyron for the past five years, with a time of 17 hours and 56 minutes on Orange II. Moored in the port of Estaque in Marseilles, Groupama 3 is all set to go and the seven crew are converging on the city to depart for Carthage, some 458 nautical miles away, on Friday morning.

A fast boat and some favourable weather conditions
“To stand a chance of making the crossing in as fast a time as Bruno Peyron and his crew (an average of 25.53 knots), the weather conditions must be favourable throughout the course, which seems to be the case even though we’ll have to make a series of tacks under gennaker and hence sail further. We’ve optimised Groupama 3 by getting rid of any surplus gear and by sailing with seven crew as opposed to the usual ten. Indeed the duration of the record (17hrs56) enables us to complete the journey in one go, without the need to sleep. Our crew is excellent with, in particular, the arrival of Lionel Lemonchois and Thomas Coville” says Franck Cammas.

Sylvain Mondon explains the weather scenario: “Of particular note on Friday is a change in air flow as the tramontana becomes established. Right from the outset Groupama 3 will head off with the NW’ly breeze in order to benefit from downwind conditions and what will still be calm seas. This air flow must last all the way to Tunisia. It’s a very tight gap but it is enough. The wind angle isn’t optimal, which means there will be a lot of manoeuvres. Groupama 3 will have to put in a series of tacks. However the wind strength should be sufficient to beat the record. The current routing gives a time of around 16 hrs.”

Groupama 3‘s crew
1) Franck Cammas
2) Frédéric Le Peutrec
3) Stève Ravussin
4) Loïc Le Mignon
5) Ronan Le Goff
6) Lionel Lemonchois
7) Thomas Coville (The skipper of Sodeb’O is currently on stand-by for the Discovery Route record. However, no window is presenting itself so Thomas will be aboard Groupama 3)
On shore: Sylvain Mondon (weather adviser)

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