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Avrà ufficialmente inizio domenica prossima l'edizione 2011 del circuito Extreme Sailing Series. Ad accogliere i protagonisti della manifestazione, quest'anno arricchita dalla presenza di team...

Muscat – Avrà ufficialmente inizio domenica prossima l’edizione 2011 del circuito Extreme Sailing Series. Ad accogliere i protagonisti della manifestazione, quest’anno arricchita dalla presenza di team come Alinghi, Emirates Team New Zealand, Luna Rossa e Artemis Racing, sarà Muscat, già teatro di una tappa nel corso del 2010 e già “titolare” di due equipaggi. Visto il successo ottenuto dalle precedenti edizioni, il format dell’evento resterà pressochè invariato e i team si daranno battaglia a pochi metri dalle banchine tra il 22 e il 24 febbraio, dopo due giorni dedicati alle regate in acque aperte.

Come raccontato negli articoli pubblicati nei giorni scorsi, la quasi totalità dei team è reduce da una lunga sessione di allenamenti, svolti a Massanah, una cittadina localizzata poco a nord di Muscat. Tra questi non sono mancati i team locali, Oman Air e The Wave, Muscat, il campione uscente che, con il nuovo skipper Torvar Mirsky, è pronto a difendere il titolo conquistato al termine del 2010, ad Almeria.

Si parlava in apertura delle new entry. Ebbene, a darsi battaglia tra le boe dell’Extreme Sailing Series 2011 saranno sei nuovi team, ma anche tra i cinque equipaggi già protagonisti della passata stagione si sono registrati numerosi avvicendamenti al punto che non è affatto possibile sbilanciarsi su eventuali favoriti della vigilia.

In vista dell’inizio delle regate, il Sultano bin Hamdoon Al Harthi si è detto impaziante di poter seguire lo svolgimento della serie: “Siamo davvero contenti che Muscat sia stata scelta come sede della prima tappa di questo prestigioso circuito. Saranno giorni importanti per l’Oman, visto il concomitante svolgimento del Muscat Festival e del Tour dell’Oman, una gara di ciclismo che vedrà impegnati più di cento grandi professionisti di questo sport”.

Per consultare il programma dell’Extreme Sailing Series 2011 clicca qui.

[Extreme Sailing Series Press Release] The Extreme Sailing Series is heating up in anticipation of Act 1 in Muscat, Oman which will get underway in five days time. For the second time this unique Middle Eastern city will host the international sailing series from the 20th-24th February (public days 22nd-24th) at The Wave, Muscat as part of the vibrant Muscat Festival.

The all-star team line-up will be watching the Omega clock as it counts down to the first race on Sunday 20th February for the ‘open-water’ racing, ahead of the ‘stadium’ format close quarter action in front of the public from the 22nd to the 24th.

The 11 international teams will start the Extreme Sailing Series 2011 season as they mean to go on, with their sights set firmly on the podium and some of the teams have already put in some intensive training at Massanah (north of Muscat) including the home teams of Oman Air and The Wave, Muscat. This season sees six new teams entering into the fray against five existing teams from last year, many with new skippers and crew. With the world’s sailing heavyweights gathering on the water for the first time, the competition will be highly charged and unpredictable, providing the Omani public with front row seats to the action as it unfolds.

His Excellency Eng. Sultan bin Hamdoon Al Harthi, Head of Muscat Municipality commented: “We are delighted that Muscat has been chosen as the first host venue of the internationally acclaimed Extreme Sailing Series. Taking place 
as part of our Muscat Festival, this fast paced sailing competition 
complements the land based Tour of Oman cycling race which sees 128 of 
the world’s greatest cyclists compete over six days. Providing 
inspiration as well as fun and excitement to all the spectators, these 
formula one racing machines provide an ideal platform to promoting the 
warmth, colour and visual splendour of Oman and we wish all the teams 
fair winds and an exciting competition.”

The Extreme Sailing Series will be one of the main highlight events at the Muscat Festival that celebrates Oman’s traditional arts, culture and heritage. There will be a diverse array of entertainment on the public days between 11.00am to 6.00pm local time, alongside the headline act of the Extreme 40’s.

2010 winners, The Wave, Muscat return to defend their title, this time skippered by emerging star Torvar Mirsky. Torvar has been competing on the World Match Racing Tour for the last four seasons finishing second overall in 2009 and third last year: “Jumping into any new boat, you just have to figure out how to do it. With catamarans there is a lot of co-ordination and you are going faster so things are happening more often, more speed changes, etc, so you have to be really on the ball.” Read full interview with Torvar here

Check out the 2011 Extreme Sailing Series venue programme here.

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