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Si è conclusa oggi, 24 febbraio, a Muscat in Oman la prima tappa delle Extreme Sailing Series 2011. Una giornata all’insegna del vento molto...

Muscat – Si è conclusa oggi, 24 febbraio, a Muscat in Oman la prima tappa delle Extreme Sailing Series 2011. Una giornata all’insegna del vento molto leggero che ha comunque permesso al Comitato di Regata di far disputare ancora sette prove portando a ben trentadue il numero delle regate totali disputate durante i cinque giorni dell’evento. Anche oggi gli equipaggi si sono sfidati in regate stile stadio con percorsi molto vicini alle rive affollate di spettatori locali e di ospiti dei team.

L’equipaggio di Groupe Edmond de Rothschild si conferma il leader di questa tappa, seguito da Artemis Racing e Red Bull Extreme Sailing rispettivamente al secondo e al terzo posto. Al quinto posto chiude invece Luna Rossa, che oggi ha realizzato tre primi di giornata. Al decimo il Niceforyou Sailing Team, portacolori della Compagnia della Vela di Venezia.

Alberto Barovier, skipper e timoniere di Niceforyou spiega così il risultato: “Sapevamo già che fare un buon risultato senza avere l’esperienza necessaria era impossibile. In particolare quest’anno poi tutti i migliori team che partecipano alle Extreme Sailing Series hanno almeno un anno di lavoro alle spalle. Anche oggi abbiamo fatto bene, purtroppo abbiamo pagato i risultati meno brillanti dei primi giorni. Sono comunque molto soddisfatto della curva positiva di crescita”.

A terra il villaggio regate è stato animato da artisti locali che si sono esibiti in canti e danze tradizionali e una folla di omaniti ha tifato con vigore dalle tribune per The Wave Muscat e per Oman Air, i due team di casa. Un coinvolgimento eccezionale quello del pubblico in un paese in cui lo sport in generale è ancora in via di sviluppo e dove molto si sta facendo, a partire dal programma Oman Sail, perché la vela raggiunga un’ampia diffusione.

La seconda tappa delle Extreme Sailing Series 2011 si svolgerà dal 15 al 17 aprile a Qingdao (Cina), che nel 2008 aveva ospitato le regate delle Olimpiadi di Pechino.

Extreme Sailing Series, Act 1, Day 5
1. Groupe Edmond de Rothschild, pt. 253
2. Artemis Racing, pt. 243
3. Red Bull Extreme Sailing, pt. 239
4. Team New Zealand, pt. 236
5. Luna Rossa, pt. 234

Per consultare la classifica completa clicca qui.

[Extreme Sailing Series Press Release] It was what has become a classic Extreme Sailing Series finish to Act 1 at The Wave, Muscat, Oman. The all-French team of Groupe Edmond de Rothschild clinched victory in the final double points race at the end of an astonishing 32 races over 5 days. “I didn’t know what to expect in terms of emotion in the case of victory, I didn’t have time to digest it as my crew threw me in the water,” said an emotional Pierre Pennec who was in tears at the finish. “I am very emotional as it’s a lot of work, a lot of personal investment. It’s a long time now that I wanted to drive an Extreme 40, and winning ahead of all these champions, it’s amazing.”

Two races from the end, and the entire top 7 boats could in theory still win the event! With 22 points available in the final seventh race of today, both Artemis Racing and Red Bull Extreme Sailing were able to take victory, but in the end Terry Hutchinson’s Artemis Racing finished in 4th place, one place ahead of Pennec’s men who had therefore done enough, Terry commented: “It’s good to see that all our hard work since the end of 2010 has paid off but there is still much room for us to improve. We’re having a little bit of a crew rotation for Act 2 in Qingdao, so there will be lots of work to do”. Act 2 of the Extreme Sailing Series will be staged between the 15th to 17th April in Qingdao, China, preceded by two open-water racing days.

Roman Hagara, skipper of Red Bull Extreme Sailing, leapt on to the prizegiving stage with his crew of Hans Peter Steinacher, Will Howden and Craig Monk, jubilant at having secured third place. For the Olympic duo of Hagara and Hans Peter Steinacher, who competed together last year on the European tour, this is their best ever result: “We are very happy tonight, that is the result we were looking for,” said Steinacher. “The level is up again a lot this year and the all fleet is very tight together, it’s really tough! But we are in fighting mode!”

A total of 32 races were held over the five days – 11 races out on the open water courses on the first two days, and the remaining 21 within the confines of the ‘stadium’ right in front of the public. The second day delivered the most breeze – up to 21 knots – with the breeze softening to between 5-10 knots in the last two days. As Hutchinson observed: “It’s interesting to see that in strong winds Alinghi and Groupe Edmond de Rothschild were doing very well, but since the wind is lighter some of the new teams are much stronger.”

The final day of Act 1, one of the headline acts of the Muscat Festival, coincided with the last day the Festival. It was a fitting end to Oman’s annual cultural celebration and Act 1 of the 2011 circuit ended on a high as the party atmosphere kicked off at The Wave, Muscat. In front of the public and VIPs a traditional Muscat band entertained the crowds with upbeat, pulsing music before the official prizegiving began in the presence of His Excellency Al Sunaidi, Minister of Sports Affairs. After the trophies had been given out to the deserving 11 Extreme 40 teams, including the top three teams in the Beach Football League, the Red Bull show swung into action as nine time World Champion trial biking, Kenny Delay, performed an incredible stunt as he leapt from Extreme 40 container to container. Thousands of public enjoyed the last day’s racing, cheering the Extreme 40 teams across every finish line.

Dean Barker’s Emirates Team New Zealand had a big comeback in the second half of the Act to finish in 4th place overall, beating Italy’s Luna Rossa by 2 points. Max Sirena’s Luna Rossa team that includes Britain’s Paul Campbell-James, defending 2010 Extreme Sailing Series skipper, struggled with consistency but seven first places over the five days including a win in the double-points final race ensured they kept the chasing Alinghi team at bay. For the home teams of The Wave, Muscat and Oman Air the script didn’t quite go to plan. The Wave, Muscat skipper Torvar Mirsky, new to the game and the youngest skipper on the tour, was impressive in the opening half of the Act – adapting well from one hull to two. But some pushy tactics had them in trouble with the umpires and they dropped from third place on day 3 to seventh place. Oman Air’s Sidney Gavignet, also new to his role as Extreme 40 skipper, reveled in the experience ably supported by his experienced crew and although 8th place may not be where he wished to finish, it was a good first competitive Extreme 40 learning experience. Roland Gaebler’s Team Extreme and the all-Italian team Niceforyou, alongside Britain’s Ian Williams on Team GAC Pindar were on the sharp end of the learning curve having arrived at Act 1 with limited training and boat preparation time. But expect to see these top class sailors get into the groove as the season progresses. These sailors represent the hottest in the sport and as the Act 1 winning skipper put it: “They are improving fast and the competition will get even tighter soon.”

Bring on Qingdao!

Extreme Sailing Series, Act 1, Day 5
1. Groupe Edmond de Rothschild, pt. 253
2. Artemis Racing, pt. 243
3. Red Bull Extreme Sailing, pt. 239
4. Team New Zealand, pt. 236
5. Luna Rossa, pt. 234

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