X-35 World Championship – Kiel – Proprio mentre a Porto Cervo Barking Mad metteva le mani sul titolo iridato Farr 40, a Kiel giungeva a conclusione il Mondiale X-35. A trionfare, al termine di una serie di 9 prove caratterizzate da ogni genere di condizione meteo – si è regatato tanto con il vento leggero quanto con condizioni prossime alla burrasca – è stato l’equipaggio di Lelagain di Alessandro Solerio e Michele Paoletti (Luca Albarelli, Simon Althree, Giovanni Bonardi, Matteo Savelli, Luigi Rognoni con loro), che succede così a L’Irascibile di Alberto Signorini, vincitore lo scorso anno a Cala Galera.
Sugli scudi sin dalle battute iniziali, l’imbarcazione italiana ha tenuto testo alla serrata concorrenza finladese di RoXanna, arresasi solo sul finire di un evento che ha visto al via ben 33 imbarcazioni.
A completare il podio, staccato di ben 28 punti dalla vetta, è stato un altro equipaggio finlandese, impegnato a bordo di X.O. Alle sue spalle il secondo degli italiani: Giochelotta di Antonio Conte e Giorgio Tortarolo.
X-35 World Championship
1. Lelagain, ITA-16155, 3-3-1-2-10-5-4-1-7, pt. 26
2. RoXanna, FIN-143, 2-5-3-9-12-3-3-4-2, pt. 31
3. X.O., FIN-175, 12-13-2-3-21-4-2-17-1, pt. 54
4. Giochelotta, ITA-195, 7-12-6-11-8-7-5-10-4, pt. 58
5. Xen, GER-124, 9-8-13-18-9-6-9-2-3, pt. 59
[Kieler Woche Press Release] Perfect conditions on the final day of the X-35 World Championship and the X-41 European Championship during the 127th Kieler Woche. Never more badly then place three the König & Xie (GER) sailed directly to her first X-41 European Championship titel after nine races over all. In the 33 boats strong fleet of the X-35 World Championship the italian crew of Alessandro Solerio took the titel even with a constant series. His Lelagain (ITA) crew discard a 10th place but sailed always better then five.
Even on the last day of the double Championships the crews in the X-35 class provided a close battle in their two races. But Alessandro Solerio with his Lelagain (ITA) crew were never really threatened on his way up on the podium. With a first place in the second last race everything were clear for the crew from Sanremo. The second placed Roxanna (FIN) could shoot ahead anymore by ten points behind at the end.
With nine boats on the starting line of the X-41 European Championship the fleet was dominated by the König & Xie (GER) right from the start. Only with first, second and just one third place on the scoreboard helmsman Sven Erik Horsch (Hamburg) were able to cancel the last race to enjoy the sweet taste of victory driving his boat early in the harbour of Kiel-Strande. The silver medal of the X-41 European Championship as part of the 127th Kieler Woche went to Norway. Thomas Foyen and his boat “Lexington” were four times fastes boat on the course. Third on the podium and best german team were the Extasy (GER) helmed by Thomas Bruegge (Neumuenster).
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