Solitaire du Figaro, rotta su Kinsale
FigaroMonotipiaSolitaire du FigaroVela 9 Agosto 2010 Zerogradinord 0
Solitaire du Figaro – Brest – Riprende il suo cammino la Solitaire du Figaro. Alle 14 di oggi pomeriggio, infatti, i quarantaquattro solitari protagonisti dell’evento hanno lasciato Brest, lanciandosi verso Kinsale. La partenza, come sempre accade in occasione delle tappe di questa affascinante manifestazione, è stata molto tirata e diversi sono stati i richiami generali, comminati a molte imbarcazioni che erano partite in prossimità del pin.
Assolte le penalità, tutti gli skipper hanno fatto rotta verso la boa di disimpegno. A raggiungerla per primo è stato Francois Gabart, seguito da Thomas Rouxel e Sebastien Josse. Il leader della classifica generale, nonché vincitore di entrambe le frazioni sino ad ora disputate, Armel Le Cléac’h, si è mantenuto in contatto con il gruppo di testa. Molto bene ha fatto Francisco Lobato, giunto sesto al primo giro di boa, mentre Pietro D’Alì è parso attardato.
Subito dopo il passaggio della boa Radio France, Gabart ha navigato troppo vicino a costa ed ha urtato il fondo roccioso rimanendo incagliato. Il solitario francese non si è dato per vinto: è sceso dalla barca e da solo è riuscita a spingerla fuori dalla secca senza bisogno di supporto esterno.
Il percorso della terza tappa, lunga 349 miglia, prevede l’attraversamento del Four Channel, che potrebbe rivelarsi molto impegnativo a causa della fortissima corrente. I solitari faranno quindi prua verso l’acipelago di Molène e l’isola di Ushant che dovrà essere lasciata a sinstra. A destra, invece, rimarranno le secche di Portsall. I leader della flotta potrebbero essere in zona già questa notte.
La seconda parte della frazione vedrà i Figaro attraversare la Manica alla volta di Wolf Rock.
Kinsale ospiterà l’arrivo di una tappa della Solitaire du Figaro per la diciannovesima volta: nessun’altrà località ha ospitato così tante volte la manifestazione.
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Terza tappa, partenza. Video courtesy Solitaire du Figaro.
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Terza tappa, pre-regata. Video courtesy Solitaire du Figaro.
[Solitaire du Figaro Press Release] The 44 skippers taking part to Leg 3 of the Solitaire du Figaro left Brest today for a 349 miles long route bound for Kinsale. The start was hampered by the bulk of the fleet clustering the pin end of the line, causing individual recalls and several protest flags to be raised. Leaving the goulet de Brest prove to be as hard as expected with collisions, penalty turns and a boat actually hitting the rocks. Portuguese skipper, Francisco Lobato, rounded the Radio France mark in 5th position ahead of his fellow first time participants.
Skippers left the pontoons from 11.00 waving goodbye to shore teams, families, friends and supporters ready to embark on the 349 miles of pure competitive sailing to Kinsale, together with La Belle Poule, the French Naval tall ship who hoisted her full set of sails, offering an spectacular and rare show for the gathered public out to watch the start.
Even before the start procedure was given, the atmosphere was full of excitement and expectation. At the start several boats were over the line, some going back to take a penalty and re-start, but the situation was pretty confused and many skipper’s decided to hoist the protest flag. At the weather mark, the bouée Seamobile, two boats collided and further penalty turns ensued.
At the Radio France mark, the much-appreciated first prize went to François Gabart, who was followed by Thomas Rouxel and Sébastien Josse. Young Portuguese newcomer to the Figaro, Francisco Lobato had an excellent start to then round the mark in fifth, first among the rookies. Other non French skippers were reported to be in the second half of the fleet: Swiss Bernrd Stamm in 29th, Italian Pietro D’Alì in 36th, Jonny Malbon in 39th and Franco/German Isabelle Joschke in 43rd.
Shortly after rounding the Radio France buoy, Gabart ran onto the rocks whilst sailing very close to shore. He was forced to get off the boat and was then able to literally push the boat off the rocks without requesting outside assistance and immediately went back to racing.
Upon leaving Brest and the bay of Camaret, the fleet made course up to the Four Channel, which can prove to be a very complex stretch of the course, especially renown for the tough cross currents. The Molène archipelago and the isle of Ushant will have to be left to port side, then the Portsall plateau leaving the cardinal mark west Grande Basse de Portsall to port side. The leaders could get there, according to the latest ETA tonight between 8 and 9 p.m.
The fleet will then begin the second part of the leg that will take the skippers across the Channel towards Wolf Rock, which must be left to port. The fleet is expected to reach Wolf Rock around breakfast time Tuesday.
Kinsale will welcome the 2010 Solitaire du Figaro for the 19th time in the 41-year history of the classic summer race, the highest number of visits received by any venue to have hosted the race stops.
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Vela20874 | In evidenza6120 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2720 | |
Breaking news2558 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2003 | English1729 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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