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Dopo una prima notte decisamente impegnativa dal punto di vista fisico, la quarta e ultima tappa della Solitaire du Figaro è ormai entrata nel...

Solitaire du Figaro – Cherbourg – Dopo una prima notte decisamente impegnativa dal punto di vista fisico, la quarta e ultima tappa della Solitaire du Figaro è ormai entrata nel vivo. A prendere il comando della flotta lungo la rotta che porta da Kinsale a Cherbourg è stato Armel Le Cléac’h. Lo skipper francese, leader della classifica e vincitore delle prime frazioni, è a 200 miglia dal traguardo e anticipa di mezzo miglio Corentin Douguet ed Eric Peron. Il cambio di leadership è avvenuto poco dopo il passaggio del Fastnet, raggiunto per primo da Gildas Mordan.

Eccelente la performance fin qui prodotta dal debuttante Francisco Lobato, che rimpiange ancora l’ultimo assoluto rimediato nella prima frazione, e dal nostro Pietro D’Alì. I due, che già alla boa di disimpegno apparivano stabilmente a contatto con il gruppo di testa, non hanno mollato un metro ed occcupano la quinta e la settimo posizione.

Confermati invece i ritiri di Bernard Stamm e Matthieu Girolet. I due, protagonisti di una violenta collisione durante le fasi del pre partenza, hanno fatto la conta dei danni e alzato bandiera bianca.

Il vento, dopo aver soffiato intensamente sul primo tratto di gara, appare ora aver perso parte del suo vigore. Dai 30 nodi si è passati a molto più maneggevoli raffiche da 15 nodi e la navigazione, mentre la flotta attende di strambare per fare rotta verso Lizen Ven, boa che da il via libera all’attraversamento della Manica, appare molto più rilassata.

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Quarta tappa, secondo giorno. Video courtesy La Solitaire du Figaro.

[Solitaire du Figaro Press Release] It was a fast and demanding night for the 44 skippers racing in the fourth and decisive leg of Solitaire du Figaro 2010 who averaged speeds of more than 11 knots in high winds of 20/25 knots, gusting at more than 30. Gildas Morvan first at the Fastnet but the overall leader Armel “the Jackal” Le Cleac’s is back in control. Fatigue has set in yet nobody can let their guard down for the final miles on the approach to Cherbourg. Excellent performance form Portuguese skipper Francisco Lobato and Italian Pietro D’Alì still in the leading group. The game remains wide open for the top ten spots.

It was 01h01’33’’ exactly when Gildas Morvan rounded the Fastnet lighthouse in the lead to hoist the spinnaker and start the route down to Lizen Ven and Cherbourg, followed by Corentin Douguet and Kito de Pavant.

All the skippers told, in the traditional midday radio chats, of the fun and excitement of sailing downwind full power, spinnaker up, at 15 plus knots in identical boats, watching your competitors just metres away.

Despite not being localised in the latest position report at 16:00, Armel Le Cleac’h is assumed to still in the leading four, showing an exceptional control of the race. According to the latest position report the fleet is led by Corentin Douguet at 231 miles from the finish while Eric Péron and François Gabart, 2nd in the overall ranking and 2nd at 16 hours respectively are hot on his heels: just 0.2 miles, that is to say… 370 metres! And where is the provisional bronze medal Thomas Rouxel? Only 2.5 miles behind…

As forecast, the wind eased to a more manageable 15 knots over the course of the afternoon. The fleet is now looking for the right place to gibe, that will probably be between 8 p.m. and midnight, to set the course to Lizen Ven mark, just off the île Vierge, in order to reach the next mark where they are expected between midnight and 08:00. From this point it twill be clearer who made the best option for the final 140 miles to Cherbourg-Octeville, where the Race Management staff arrived today and promptly had to get their umbrellas out, preparing to welcome the leaders, expected to finish Wednesday late afternoon.

Both the young Portuguese skipper, Francisco Lobato and the Italian, Pietro D’Alì showed excellent speed and strategy and were reported to be 5th and 7th respectively, whilst Jonny Malbon was 33rd and Isabelle Joschke in 37th.

Meanwhile, unfortunate Bernard Stamm informed Race Management that, after having made the necessary repairs to sail safely, he left Kinsale shortly after midnight accompanied by his shore team to deliver the boat to Cherbourg. Matthieu Girolet on the contrary, opted to have his boat repaired in Ireland.

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