Solitaire du Figaro, domani il via dell’ultima tappa
FigaroMonotipiaSolitaire du FigaroVela 15 Agosto 2010 Zerogradinord 0
Solitaire du Figaro – Kinsale – L’ultima, decisiva tappa della Solitaire du Figaro 2010 prenderà il via domani pomeriggio alle 14 da Kinsale. I quarantaquattro skipper sono attesi dalle ultime 435 miglia e dal porto di Cherbourg. Le previsioni patlano di condizioni meteo particolarmente impegnative. Il leader della classifica, Armel Le Cléac’h, sa di poter contare su una solida leadership, ma i suoi avversari sono altrettanto consapevoli che in una regata così dura niente è scritto fin sulla linea di arrivo della frazione conclusiva. Per Le Cléac’h, quindi, la regola è solo una e prevede buone manovre, scelte tattiche accorte e nessuna rottura.
Il percorso è uno dei più classici di questo estenuante rally per solitari. Lasciata Kinsale la flotta dovrà veleggiare lungo le coste dell’Irlanda sino al raggiungimento del Fastnet, distante circa 45 miglia. Da lì si farà rotta verso le Isole Scilly e verso il faro di Bishop Rock. Da quel momento inizierà la difficile attraversata dell’English Channel, dove tra isole, correnti e traffico mercantile, non mancheranno certo momenti di tensione agonistica degni di tal nome. Le ultime insidie sono celate lungo le coste del Contentin e nei pressi di Cherbourg, dove le correnti possono arrivare a 4 nodi di intensità.
Già detto dei patemi di Armel le Cléac’h, sicuro del fatto suo ma certo del successo solo a risultato raggiunto, uno sguardo merita la situazione di classifica dei debuttanti, che in lingua francese si chiamano “bizou”. Anthony Marchand spera di difendere i diciotto minuti di vantaggio che lo separano da Yoann Richomme. Più staccato il terzo, il fortissimo navigatore oceanico Bernard Stamm.
Due sono i sistemi meteo con i quali i solitari dovranno fare i conti. Il primo, costituito da venti da nordovest compresi tra i 15 e i 20 nodi. Il secondo da picchi di maggiore intensità, prossimi ai 30 nodi. Comunque vada, venti tesi che potrebbero mettere in difficoltà i protagonisti della frazione e provocare danni all’attrezzatura.
Per consultare la classifica clicca qui.
[Solitaire du Figaro Press Release] The fourth and decisive leg of 2010 La Solitaire du Figaro will start from Kinsale tomorrow at 14.00. The 44 skippers will have to deal with the last 435 miles to Cherbourg and weather conditions are expected to be fairly tough, for a fast passage to the finish. Armel Le Cleac’h is still solidly in the lead but his competitors will surely play their cards right to be on the highest step of the podium. Rule one: good manoeuvres and no breakages.
The long stopover in quiet and friendly Kinsale is nearly over, after resting, enjoying the scenery, the hospitality or some golfing or fishing, the skippers get ready to leave for the last lap to Cherbourg.
To leave Ireland, the competitors will once more have to sail along the Irish cost to reach the famous Fastnet lighthouse 45 miles away, leaving it to port side. As opposed to the third leg, the 250-mile leap across the Celtic Sea will see the fleet leave the Scilly isles and the imposing lighthouse of Bishop Rock to port side. The skippers will have to negotiate the cross currents common to the English Channel for more than 100 miles, their waypoint set precisely on the cardinal buoy West Lizen Ven north of the île Vierge. After this mark, to be left on port side, the fleet will set off for 140 miles towards the Channel Islands. But this time, only the île d’Aurigny will be left offshore. Like it happened for their way up to Kinsale, overtaking the islands of Guernsey, Herm and Jersey will require all the skipper’s fine strategy. Later on, there could be some good options or tactical chances nearer to the Cotentin coastline. The Raz Blanchard could open up the game over the last miles to the finish in Cherbourg-Octeville, will host the grand finale of La Solitaire du Figaro.
As tradition the 44 skippers will meet late afternoon for the briefing, to get the last details on the weather they will encounter and routing to deal with the 435 miles that separate them from Cherbourg and the final verdict on who will win the 2010 edition.
The fight looks fiercer than ever: if Armel Le Cleac’h can count on a solid lead on his two immediate competitors, François Gabart and Tomas Rouxel nonetheless he will have to watch out for at least ten sailors who can well play a master stroke and obliterate their disadvantage. Same can be said for the “bizuth”, the newcomers category, where Anthony Marchand has slightly more than 18 minutes on Yoann Richomme and 56 minutes on Swiss Bernard Stamm. Easy to predict very close, tactical, racing for them.
According to the weather forecast by Météo France’s expert Sylvain Mondon, after having rounded the Fastnet on their way to Lizen Ven, the fleet may encounter, and have to tackle with accordingly, two different meteorological outlooks: one with lighter northwesterly winds blowing at around 15/20 knots and one with stiffer breezes topping 25 with gusts over 30 knots. Maximum focus and eyes wide open together with faultless manoeuvring will be needed, since a badly conducted gibe or a broken spinnaker may involve significant time gaps on the finish line, loosing or getting many positions in the general ranking. As confirmed by Race Director Jacques Caraes: “It will be physical, very tiring and skippers will have to steer a lot. No mistakes allowed there. The leg will be probably faster than expected and we could finally have a finish in daylight.”
As a matter of fact the leaders could well reach Cherbourg, where the Solitaire comes back for the seventh time in its history, Wednesday around midday or Thursday at the latest should the wind be lighter. The approach to Cherbourg will be nonetheless a tricky one because of the strong tidal flows and currents that could be as strong as 3.5 to 4.5 knots.
To read the standing click here.
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