RC44 Championship Tour 2010, Team Sea Dubai in splendida forma
MonotipiaRC44Vela 22 Febbraio 2010 Zerogradinord 0
RC44 Championship Tour 2010 – Dubai – E’ iniziato oggi, in una piacevole brezza, nelle acque antistanti Dubai, il Al Maktoum Sailing Trophy RC44, prima tappa del circuito riservato al monotipo disegnato da Russell Coutts. Il vento, passato dai 6-7 nodi ai 10-12 nel corso del pomeriggio, ha permesso al Comitato di Regata di dare il via a cinque prove di giornata.
Un Markus Wieser particolarmente in forma, vincendo cinque prove su cinque, ha condotto il suo Team Sea Dubai sino alla testa della classifica provvisoria.
“Non è che abbiamo navigato male in passato – ha commentato Wieser alla fine della giornata – ma abbiamo sempre fatto degli errori. Se vuoi vincere devi evitare certi sbagli e lo puoi fare solo allenandoti duramente. E’ esattamente quello che noi abbiamo fatto durante tutto l’inverno”.
Lo segue al secondo posto Terry Hutchinson al timone di Artemis che, a pari punti con Rod Davis su Ceeref, Team Islas Canarias Puerto Calero, Team No Way Back e Adam Minoprio su BMW Oracle Racing, proprio come quest’ultimo è alla sua prima apparizione nel RC44 Championship Tour.
Classifica provvisoria dopo cinque prove:
1) Team Sea Dubai (Markus Wieser), 5/0, 5 points
2) Artemis (Terry Hutchinson), 4/0, 4 points
3) Ceeref (Rod Davis), 2/2, 2 points
3) BMW ORACLE Racing (Adam Minoprio), 2/2, 2 points
3) Team Islas Canarias Puerto Calero (José Maria Ponce), 2/2, 2 points
[RC44 Championship Tour, Press Release] The first match races of the RC 44 Championship Tour 2010 took place today, and immediately brought the confirmation that the racing will be tougher in 2010 than it ever was. Indeed, Team Austria (10th last year) won its first race against Ceeref (winner of last year’s match race ranking) whilst Sea Dubai (9th in 2009) got a bullet against Paul Cayard’s Katusha.
Pursuing their winning streak, Markus Wieser and Team Sea Dubai won the next four matches against some of the event’s favourites: Team Aqua, Katusha, No Way Back and Team Austria, concluding the day undefeated. “It’s not that we sailed badly in the past”, commented Markus Wieser at the end of the day. “But we were always making one or two little mistakes and this is what made the difference between winning and finishing in the middle of the ranking. We trained hard over the winter and managed to avoid mistakes today. The result is immediate.”
Competing for the first time in the RC44 Class, Terry Hutchinson (Artemis) and Adam Minoprio (BMW Oracle Racing) didn’t need much time to get into the groove. Minoprio got convincing wins against No Way Back (Pieter Heerema-Ray Davies) and Islas Canarias Puerto Calero (José Maria Ponce), loosing to Team Aqua and Artemis. “The boat is new to me and I need some more time to get my bearings”, explained Minoprio. “The RC44’s are very fast and they accelerate super quickly. Normally, with this type of wind I sail at 5 knots and the accelerations are slow. But here we are immediately at 7-8 knots; it makes a big difference and requires some time to adapt”.
Used to sailing on big and fast boats, Terry Hutchinson and his Team Artemis were in a different situation. The American helmsman won four races in a row; also concluding the day undefeated – yet one point behind Team Sea Dubai. The match between Artemis and Team Sea Dubai, scheduled in Flight 7 tomorrow, will be an interesting one to look at!
Today’s races took place in a very pleasant sea breeze and a fairly choppy sea. The wind grew from 6-7 knots to 10-12 by the end of the afternoon, allowing the race committee to complete five flights. The conditions should be similar tomorrow, with a light sea breeze and a flatter sea.
1) Team Sea Dubai (Markus Wieser), 5/0, 5 points
2) Artemis (Terry Hutchinson), 4/0, 4 points
3) Ceeref (Rod Davis), 2/2, 2 points
3) BMW ORACLE Racing (Adam Minoprio), 2/2, 2 points
3) Team Islas Canarias Puerto Calero (José Maria Ponce), 2/2, 2 points
Vela20931 | In evidenza6176 | |
Monotipia4171 | Oceano2729 | |
Breaking news2613 | Altura2454 | |
Derive2008 | English1743 | |
America's Cup1560 | ORC-IRC1346 |
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