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Ancora una giornata di passione nelle acque del Principato di Monaco: il vento leggero ha infatti consentito lo svolgimento di un'unica prova che, nonostante...

[singlepic id=4991 w=300 h=204 float=left]Primo Cup – Principato di Monaco – Ancora una giornata di passione nelle acque del Principato di Monaco: il vento leggero ha infatti consentito lo svolgimento di un’unica prova che, nonostante il calcolo di uno scarto, non ha cambiato granchè ai fini della classifica generale della classe Melges 20, protagonista indiscussa di questo primo week end griffato Primo Cup.

Value Team, dominatore della passata stagione, ha aperto il nuovo anno da par suo. Lo scafo di Benedetto Giallongo e del tattico Enrico Fonda ha dovuto fare i conti sino all’ultimo con un combattivo Notaro Team, portato tra le boe monegasche dalla coppia Domenici-Casale. Giunto a pari punti con l’avversario, ITA-145 si è dovuto accontentare del secondo posto a causa dei peggiori parziali. A completare il podio è stato Out of Reach di Guido Miani, fermatosi a un’incollatura dalla coppia di testa.

Nelle altre classi in gara si sono registrate le vittorie degli svizzeri di Otto Cinque (Esse 850), balzati al comando grazie al gioco degli scarti, e dei padroni di casa di Vamos Mi Amor (Smeralda 888).

Primo Cup, Melges 20
1. Value Team, Giallongo, 4-1-2-5, pt. 7
2. Notaro Team, Domenici, 2-2-3-4, pt. 7
3. Out of Reach, Miani, 1-6-1-7, pt. 8
4. Hulk, Di Properzio, 6-4-10-1, pt. 11
5. Bela Vita, Molla, 8-13-5-2, pt. 15

Per leggere i risultati di tutte le classi clicca qui.

[Primo Cup Press Release] The 26th Primo Cup-Trophée Credit Suisse ended its first four-day weekend on a beautiful sunny day with four very sporty one-designs out on the water: Esse 850, Smeralda 888, Melges 20 and Dragon. Four days of racing from Thursday to Sunday with victory for teams of the highest calibre in hotly contested races.

With these four technically demanding classes, the Primo Cup-Trophée Credit Suisse 2010 meant 62 international teams had a chance to start their regatta season early after an unusually harsh winter.

Particularly impressive were the Melges 20s, having made their first appearance last year in a class that is growing strongly and attracting Olympic specialists and those who love sporty boats. A pioneer and champion of the class, the Italian Benedetto Gialongo was overall winner, adapting happily to difficult conditions on the water which he described as “very technical”.

In another class of fast rising stars, the Russian Anatoly Loginov (Annapurna) triumphed in the Dragons, demonstrating his attachment and affinity to the Bay of Monaco. In only his third year racing Dragons here he beat big names in the class like Vincent Hoesch, former world champion, Christian Boillot, Olaf Sorensen, Victor Hogeson and Jens Rathsack. A watch presented by the Yacht Club de Monaco’s partner and official timekeeper, Hublot, proved a just reward for his efforts.

Described as the boat “from the lake” because it was designed in Switzerland, the big Esse 850s impressed with the way they handled the Mediterranean chop. Quick in all wind conditions and configurations, they raced neck and neck so consistent is the series. Despite a difficult start to the regatta, the Swiss Alain Marchand (Otto Cinque) overcame earlier problems to win all the races. His hard-won duel with Arnaud Gaveiron (Bel Ami II) was fought out right up to the final race of the regatta.

A similar scenario was being played out among the Smeralda 888s where Charles de Bourbon-Siciles’ boat, helmed for the occasion by Fred Bourguet Maurice with François Brénac on tactics beat the Monegasque Marco Marchese (I Vitelloni) by a spinnaker pole.

Thierry Leret and his teams have just a couple of days breathing space before five more series converge on the Yacht Club de Monaco for the second weekend of racing in the Primo Cup, starting Thursday 11 February with the Surprise class Europa Cup (over 40 are registered). Then on Friday it’s the turn of the eight Farr 30s, 15 Longtze Premiers, 20 J-24s and a dozen Platus.

More sailing stars are expected, for example the Americans, world champions in the Melges 32 series, Daniel Souben, twice winner of the Tour de France, Thomas Ruyant, winner of the Transat 6.50 2009 and Figaro specialist Nicolas Berenger to name a few.

Primo Cup, Melges 20
1. Value Team, Giallongo, 4-1-2-5, pt. 7
2. Notaro Team, Domenici, 2-2-3-4, pt. 7
3. Out of Reach, Miani, 1-6-1-7, pt. 8
4. Hulk, Di Properzio, 6-4-10-1, pt. 11
5. Bela Vita, Molla, 8-13-5-2, pt. 15

To read full results click here.

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