Statistiche siti
E' stato pubblicato sul sito del Melges 24 World Championship 2008 il Bando di Regata della manifestazione. Organizzata dall'Eastport Yacht Club, l'evento si svolgerà...

Melges 24 World Championship – Annapolis – E’ stato pubblicato sul sito del Melges 24 World Championship 2008 il Bando di Regata della manifestazione. Organizzata dall’Eastport Yacht Club, l’evento si svolgerà ad Annapolis – base logistica sarà la sede della locale Scuola Vela – tra il 26 e il 31 ottobre.

Le iscrizioni si chiuderanno il 23 settembre; eventuali ritardatari potranno essere accolti, a insindacabile discrezione dello yacht club organizzatore. Nessun iscritto potrà essere accettato dopo il 9 ottobre. Sarà ovviamente possibile iscriversi on-line sul sito ufficiale della manifestazione.

La registrazione degli iscritti si apriranno ufficialmente il 23 ottobre e la cerimonia di apertura è prevista per il 25 dello stesso mese.

Per visitare il sito del Mondiale Melges 24 2009 clicca qui.

Per leggere il Bando di Regata dell’evento clicca qui.

[US Melges 24 Press Release] Calling all competitors! The NOR for the upcoming 2009 Melges 24 World Championship, organized by the Eastport Yacht Club is now available to download from the official 2009 Worlds web site Official onsite registration will begin on October 23, opening ceremonies will happen on October 25 followed by six, full days of World Championship racing starting on Monday, October 26 and concluding Saturday, October 31.

The venue for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship will be the Annapolis Sailing School campus near the mouth of Back Creek. In addition to the Sailing School’s location nearer to the racing area on the Chesapeake Bay, its spacious grounds will provide ample facilities to the event organizers and sailors. Onsite registration, regatta offices and headquarters, mooring and several social activities will take place at the Annapolis Sailing School located at 7001 Bembe Beach Road, Annapolis, Md. 21403.

All competitors are reminded that the entry deadline for the 2009 Melges 24 World Championship is September 23. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Eastport Yacht Club, but no entries will be accepted after October 9. All Melges 24 teams anticipating Corinthian competition, must have their entry submitted by October 9. Absolutely no entries will be accepted beyond this date. Online registration will be available soon at the official 2009 Worlds website,

The Annapolis area is a regular host to large events, but because of the number and size of events during this timeframe, competitors are encouraged to secure reservations for accommodations as soon as possible.

Sponsors are lining up near and far to endorse what will be yet another amazing Melges 24 World Championship. Already a number of high-profile yachting-based businesses have committed to this premiere international regatta.

To visit Melges 24 World Championship website click here.

To read the Melges 24 World Championship NOR click here.

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