La Solitaire du Figaro, più veloci del previsto
FigaroMonotipiaSolitaire du FigaroVela 18 Agosto 2009 Zerogradinord 0
La Solitaire du Figaro – Dieppe – Da quando ha doppiato Wolf Rock, lasciandosi alle spalle Land’s End, la flotta della Solitaire ha fatto registrare progressi maggiori rispetto al previsto. La navigazione lungo la costa sud dell’Inghilterra, infatti, si è rilevata piuttosto veloce e ben presto i vari Lizard, Start Point, Portland Bill e Abvil Point, passaggi chiave della frazione, sono scomparsi ben presto nella scia dei 52 solitairi.
Proprio in quete ore è atteso l’arrivo a Needles Fairway, boa che costituisce la porta d’ingresso del Solent. Gli scafi stanno marciando implotonati a 7 nodi di media e Frederic Duthil su BboxBouygues Telecom è sempre al comando della regata con un vantaggio che nel corso delle ultime ore è aumentato solo nei confronti di Michel Desjoyeaux. Se lo skipper di Foncia è a un miglio dalla vetta, Charles Chaudrelier su Bostik si mantiene a un niente dal battistrada e promette battaglia sin sul traguardo di Dieppe. Particolarmente avvincente si annuncia il testa a testa teso alla conquista della vittoria assoluta. Yann Eliés, che deve recuperare 5 minuti a Nicolas Lunven, è salito in quinta posizione anticipa lo skipper di CGPI di mezzo miglio.
La seconda notte in mare è passata molto tranquillamente, in attesa di quel calo del vento che Meteo France aveva anticipato sin dalle ore precedenti il via. Un bollettino semplicemente sbagliato e rivisto questa mattina. Stando agli esperti, la brezza, seppur medio-leggera, dovrebbe resistere sino a domani pomeriggio, quando a Dieppe si registreranno i primi arrivi.
A descrivere le scelte tattiche assunte nel corso dell’ultima giornata è Armel Le Cléac’h, quarto su Brit Air: “La scorsa notte ho decisio di navigare al largo perchè temevo gli effetti della costa sull’intensità del vento. Per il resto ho continuato lungo la via più breve, nel tentativo di raggiungere Dieppe il prima possibile. Speriamo che il vento regga, perchè questa notte, nella Manica, troveremo 3 nodi di corrente contraria”.
Solitaire du Figaro, Dinge-Dieppe
1. Frederic Duthil, BBox Bouygues Telecom, DTF 136.1 nm
2. Charler Chaudrelier, Bostik, +0.1 nm
3. Michel Desjoyeaux, Foncia, +1.1 nm
4. Armel Le Cléac’h, Brit Air, +1.9 nm
5. Yann Eliés, Generali, +2.0 nm
seguono 47 skipper
[flashvideo filename=video/solitaire/Solitaire09_secondoDieppe.flv /]
Video courtesy Nefertiti Production/La Solitaire du Figaro.
[La Soltaire du Figaro Press Release] Since passing Wolf Rock and Land’s End last night, the fleet of Figaro Beneteaus has been making much faster progress than expected along the south coast of England, passing the four major headlands at the Lizard, Start Point, Portland Bill and Anvil Point on its way to the final mark of the course, the Needles Fairway buoy at the western entrance to the Solent. Presently making seven knots of boat speed, in variable south-easterly and south-westerly winds, the leaders are expected to round at about 18.00 (UK time) this evening, before setting off on the final cross-Channel phase to the finish in Dieppe. Frédéric Duthil (BBox Bouygues Telecom) is tenaciously maintaining the narrow lead he has held for the last 36 hours, literally a stone’s throw from Charles Caudrelier Benac (Bostik) and a mile ahead of Michel Desjoyeaux (Foncia) in third. British skipper Nigel King continues to sail the Figaro leg of his life, consistently in touch with the leaders and less than 4 miles from the front.
On this occasion Albion has been less perfidious than the French often like to imagine, and the second night of the race passed relatively easily for the 52 skippers. Flat seas, following current and a decent wind angle together allowed good sailing, the low cloud base made for a warm night and good visibility meant the close proximity of other boats was less stressful than might otherwise have been the case. Météo France’s pre-start dire prediction of a windless zone stretching the length of the English Channel has mercifully been revised, and it seems possible that the battle royale that has marked this 40th edition of La Solitaire du Figaro may be finally decided in Dieppe around midday tomorrow.
Armel Le Cleac’h (Brit Air), always one to have confidence in his decisions, describes the main tactical choice of the night: “Last night I stayed further offshore, so I was slightly apart from the pack who went looking for the advantage of the local effects at the headlands, closer to the coast. I’m just sailing my own race, trying to find the best options to get to Dieppe as quickly as possible. At the moment we’re going straight ahead in the sunshine, it’s perfect.” In fact it seems it is the middle way that paid off for Duthil, sailing between the extreme inshore and offshore options to stay close to the theoretical direct route. Ahead lies the last 110 miles or so to cross the Channel, and as has so often been the case in this edition a small high pressure system may have one more trick to play on the Figaristes. Due to cross the path of the fleet this evening, its light winds combined with a contrary 3 knot current could cause a general slow-down south of the Isle of Wight, and raises the possibility of boat’s having to anchor to prevent retracing their steps.
British skipper Nigel King meanwhile has maintained the determined form he has shown since leaving Dingle, presently in 14th place but never out of touch with the leading boats and even clawing back some distance on Fred Duthil overnight. Now sailing very much in his own backyard, Lymington-based King can expect to be cheered on by a home crowd as he passes the Needles this evening. The night has also been kind to fellow Briton Jonny Malbon (Artemis); he too has won back some miles and now lies in 42nd place, 10 miles behind the leaders.
Solitaire du Figaro, Dinge-Dieppe
1. Frederic Duthil, BBox Bouygues Telecom, DTF 136.1 nm
2. Charler Chaudrelier, Bostik, +0.1 nm
3. Michel Desjoyeaux, Foncia, +1.1 nm
4. Armel Le Cléac’h, Brit Air, +1.9 nm
5. Yann Eliés, Generali, +2.0 nm
followed by 47 skippers
Vela20852 | In evidenza6098 | |
Monotipia4163 | Oceano2711 | |
Breaking news2536 | Altura2446 | |
Derive2002 | English1718 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1343 |
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