Ft. Lauderdale, tutto pronto per la Melges 32 Gold Cup
Melges 32MonotipiaVela 29 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=953,250,170,,left]Melges 32 Gold Cup Regatta – Ft. Lauderdale – Sono al momento ventuno gli scafi iscritti alla Melges 32 Gold Cup Regatta, evento in programma a Ft. Lauderdale tra il 5 e il 7 dicembre prossimi. Tra i protagonisti annunciati di quello che viene considerato come un vero e proprio campionato iridato, saranno alcuni tra i velisti più noti sul panoramo internazionale. Alla contesa, infatti, prenderanno parte, tra gli altri, Dave Ullman, Kevin Harrap, John Kostecki, Gavin Brady, Terry Hutchinson ed Harry Melges.
A rappresentare l’Italia saranno Bitipi di Savino Formentini, affiancato dal tattico Tommaso Chieffi e da Flavio Grassi, e Calvi Network di Carlo Alberini, che potrà contare sull’esperienza di uomini come Gabriele Benussi e Lorenzo Bodini.
Per visitare il sito dell’evento clicca qui.
Per consultare la entry list clicca qui.
[Melges 32 Press Release] For several months the International Melges 32 Class Association (IM32CA) has been looking forward to the 2008 Gold Cup Regatta that officially kicks-off next week, 5-7 December in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. hosted by the Lauderdale Yacht Club (LYC). There is a great deal of excitement and energy surrounding this event, teams can hardly wait to race.
This event has spawned a vision of opportunity — an impressive gathering of sailing all-stars, the world’s elite amatuer owner/drivers and America’s next generation of youth sailors. Never before has the Melges 32 witnessed such a congregation of talent, skill and experience in one place. Yes, the fleet has previously enjoyed consummate assemblies, but this event will deliver a whole new attitude and outlook for the global Melges 32 fleet. A simple glance of the entry list, then a slight delve into each crew roster will certainly raise eyebrows — Dave Ullman, Richard Clark, Flavio Grassi, Marco Constant, Gabriele Benussi, Stu McNay, Kevin Harrap, Max Skelley, Scott Nixon, Anthony Kotoun, Jeff Madragali, John Kostecki, Gavin Brady, Morgan Reeser, Jon Goldsberry, Terry Hutchinson, Charlie Ogletree, Harry Melges, Charlie Smythe, Jamie Lea and Johnny Lovell will be present. Some of the greatest minds and talents will go head-to-head for the Gold Cup title.
For the owner/amatuer driver, this event will be yet another chance to sail with and against the very best in the world, a luxury not afforded by many other classes of boat. Where the Melges 32 is concerned – this is standard racing procedure. Joe Woods, Michael Illbruck, John Taylor, Bob Hesse, Jason Carroll, Pieter Taselaar, Edward Tillinghast, Stephen Pugh, Mike Carroll and Marty Kullman are among the participating class veterans. Fleet newcomers Geoffery Pierini, Alex Jackson, Carlo Alberini, John Dane and John Kilroy are no strangers to this level of competition.
The other interesting aspect, and by far one of the most unique facets of the Gold Cup event is the Take A Junior Sailing Day. Another brief review of the junior sailors with the ride of their life ahead of them include Dominque Wright, Alex Fox, Ericka Reineke, Mac Agnese, Christopher Williford, Chanel Miller and Julian Harris, just to name a few.
Prior to most regattas, individuals of high authority usually entertain the idea of casting a winning prediction, that is not the case at the Gold Cup. Every team competing brings something a little different, a ingredient that sets them apart. Whether it be their tactician or their track record, every team entered is worthy of winning.
Just recently recognized as an ISAF Class, the Melges 32 has been launched into a new era. And, to celebrate — the Gold Cup Regatta will deliver everything this profound sportboat has to offer and more.
To visit the official Melges 32 Gold Cup Regatta web site click here.
To view the entry list click here.
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