Sodeb’O ci prova: da domani Coville sfida Joyon
MaxiMultiscafiSodeb'OVela 17 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
Vela e record – Brest – Si è aperta una finestra di bel tempo e il maxi trimarano Sodeb’O si appresta a mollare gli ormeggi per lanciarsi, sotto la guida del suo skipper, il francese Thomas Coville, in una nuova sfida: il giro del mondo senza scalo in solitario. Una sfida impegnativa, visto che il record attuale è stato fissato solo pochi mesi fa da Francis Joyon, partito e tornato a Brest dopo essere passato a sud dei capi Buona Speranza, Leeuwin e Horn, in 57 giorni, 13 ore, 34 minuti e 6 secondi.
Seduto costantemente al fianco dei componenti del suo team meteo, Coville, titolare dal luglio scorso del record sulla traversata atlantica New York-Lizard Point in solitario, stava da giorni attendendo un quadro che, in meno di una settimana dalla partenza, gli desse fondate garanzie di poter raggiungere l’Equatore. Ora la situazione pare essere perfetta, anche se i meteorologi attendono lo stabilizzarsi delle correnti termiche dalle parti delel Canarie, dove la brezza si mantiene ancora leggera.
[flashvideo filename=video/oceano/Coville_151108.flv /]
Video courtesy Sodeb’O.
[Sodeb’O Press Release] A favourable weather window is due to open tomorrow, Tuesday 18th November. For the past few days the skipper of the Maxi Trimaran Sodeb’O, accompanied by his routers and team, has been observing the evolution of a highly favourable weather window. A departure is likely to be envisaged tomorrow Tuesday 18th November.
The weather conditions enabling a descent from Brest to the equator in less than seven days looks possible, but there is still some doubt as regards the strength of the wind between the Canaries and Cape Verde. The team is still allowing itself the day to refine the precise hour of departure, which could take place from Tuesday morning at dawn. The decision will be made this evening, at around 2200 hours, after analysing the final grib files.
The situation at the start of the course is proving to be ideal. After setting out from Brest in a NW’ly air flow, Sodeb’O will go in search of a point to gybe in the Azores High, which is positioned a long way north and will then generate a steady E’ly tradewind enabling Thomas to adopt a direct course towards Cape Verde and the Doldrums.
A first team is currently heading towards Brest where the boat has been on standby since 29th October. Their missions? A final careening session, sail preparation and victualing with fresh products…
In order to beat the solo round the world record held since 20th January 2008 by Francis Joyon, Thomas Coville will have to return to Brest in less than 57 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes and 6 seconds.
Vela20874 | In evidenza6120 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2720 | |
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America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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