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Hublot Palmavela 2009 – Palma di Maiorca – Si è aperta ieri, in una giornata caratterizzata da condizioni meteo superlative, l’edizione 2009 di Palmavela, manifestazione aperta alle varie classi a compenso, ai Maxi e ai TP52. Appuntamento tra i più attesi, l’evento organizzato dal Reale Club Nautico di Palma di Maiorca è ormai considerato primo banco di prova di una certa rilevanza. Una manifestazione capace di sopravvivere alla crisi, se è vero che a debuttare sono stati alcuni Maxi di dimensioni a dir poco ragguardevoli.
Tra i Maxi della divisione Cruiser Regatta, dopo due prove, lo Swan 80 Favonius di Roel Pieper conduce grazie a due primi ed è seguito da Grey Goose (Swan 82 FD) e Open Season (Wally). In questa classe è impegnato il maestoso Wally 143 Esense di Riccardo Magistris.
Tra i Mini Maxi divisione Regatta a dominare sono stati i due STP 65 iscritti. Troppo superiori per temere rivali, i due scafi si sono dati battaglia lungo il bastone di 9.4 miglia disposto dal Comitato Organizzatore. Luna Rossa, lo scafo di Patrizio Bertelli, ha bagnato il debutto facendo suo il primo posto al termine della giornata inaugurale. Container, l’STP di Udo Schuetz ce l’ha messa tutta per contrastare la marcia del team guidato da Vittorio Volonté e Nacho Postigo, ma dopo aver vinto la prima manche ha rimediato un quarto nella seconda. Piazzamenti che sono valsi il secondo posto, a due punti dall’equipaggio italiano.
Tra i Mini Maxi Cruiser a fare sua la prima leadership davanti a Wallyno e Kiboko, è stato lo Swan 601 @robas di Logel Gerard, primo e secondo nelle due mache disputate. Comanda nella sua classe, Maxi Cruiser, Lizard of Cornwall (SWS 93) di Javier Sansò che nel proseguo dovrà guardarsi dal 100 piedi Alarife Cien.
Buon debutto anche per il nuovissimo TP52 Matador. Lo scafo di Alberto Roemmers, portato da Guillermo Parada, ha preso subito il comando dei giochi, seguito dai russi di Synergy e da Cristabella.
Per consultare la classifiche clicca qui.
[Palmavela Press Release] The Hublot Palma Vela 2009 has started today with great weather conditions, a good breeze, sunny skies and the Maxis and TP52´s opening the most spectacular regatta of the season.
20 Maxis have taken part in the two windward-leeward races held today, whereas the TP52 have run three of them. The course was placed in the Delta-Hublot King Power area and covered 9.4 miles. The southeasterly breeze at the 240 ranged from 15 to 19 knots in the afternoon.
The Maxi Cruiser Regatta, the largest boats in the fleet, started their first race at 12.20 J One, steered by Tristan Kinloch, was over the line but rapidly went back to the start line. The rest of the fleet sailed up the first beat with big Esense (Wally 143) of Riccardo Magistris, a 143 footer, at the lead. Favonius (Swan 80) of Roel Pieper won the race, followed by another favorite, Open Season (Wally) of Tomas Bscher with skipper Mike Atkinson, and Grey Goose (Swan 82 FD) who was third.
In the second race Favonius did a first again, confirming its leadership over Grey Goose and Open Season, second and third repectively. They are also second and third in the overall results, and equal at the moment.
The Maxi Mini Regatta, the most modern boats of all, five of which were built last year, was dominated by the two STP 65, the most competitive boats without any doubt. Luna Rossa of Vittorio Volonté with Nacho Postigo from Cantabria as navigator, did a second and a first and ended up leader in the overall classification. The italian America´s Cup boat, which makes its debut in the Hublot PalmaVela, managed to pass the other STP unit, Container of german Udo Schuetz, with skipper Markus Wiesser and Víctor Mariño and Gabriel de Llano, both from Cantabria, as crew members. He won the first race but ended up fourth in the second one, and was pushed to the second place in the overall classification, two points from boat from Punta Ala. Third was another new boat, Alegre (Mills 68) with Olly Cameron als helmsman.
In Maxi Mini Cruiser Regatta french @robas (Swan 601) of Logel Gerard is leader after doing a second and a first, followed by spanish Wallyño (Wally 60) who did a first and a third, and Raimon Pasco´s Kiboko in the third place (Sws 72) after finishing third and second. Ran of Niklas Zennstrom, one of the most eagerly awaited debuts, couldn´t start due to structural issues, but is expected at the starting line tomorrow.
In Maxi Cruiser Lizard of Cornwall (SWS 93), steered by Javier ‘Bubi’ Sansó and Toño Gorostegui is leader after winning both races, followed by Alarife Cien (One Off BD 100) of Juan Entrecanales and Raúl Ramón at the wheel. The boat representing the Club Nàutic Costa Brava of Palamós did two second places, and ends up just two points from Lizard.
In TP 52 new Matador of Alberto Roemmers steered by Guillermo Parada has clearly won the two races. Russian Synergy with skipper Sergey Pichugin and canary Jensi Linder has done two second places and ends up second in the overall classification. Cristabella of british John Cook is third after finishing third in both races. The third and last race was won again by Matador, followed by Synergy, whereas Cristabella retired.
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La prima giornata di regate. Video courtesy Hublot Palmavela 2009.
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