Louis Vuitton Trophy, definite le semifinali: Azzurra affronterà Team Origin
LV TrophyVela 17 Novembre 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=4669 w=300 h=204 float=left]Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nizza – Riprenderà giovedì mattina il Louis Vuitton Trophy Nice Cote d’Azur. Il programma prevede lo svolgimento delle semifinali tra i primi quattro in classifica (al meglio delle tre regate) e la disputa dei match validi per l’assegnazione delle piazze comprese tra il quinto e l’ottavo posto (Knock Out, ad eliminazione diretta).
Ad aprire la giornata di giovedi sarà il match tra Azzurra e Team Origin, accoppiamento determinato dalla scelta di Dean Barker che ha optato per il match contro Synergy. Gli italiani entreranno nel box di partenza dalla destra, quindi con diritto di rotta al primo incrocio.
E’ invece stato definitivamente cancellato l’ultimo match del Round Robin 2, che avrebbe dovuto contrapporre Emirates Team New Zealand a Synergy: i due team sono stati rispediti in porto dopo aver atteso vanamente l’ingresso della termica.
La loro regata non si disputerà in quanto ininfluente ai fini della classifica finale del Round Robin 2, conclusosi quindi con i kiwi al primo posto e Synergy al secondo. A determinare questo cambiamento della classifica (con la “promozione” del team di Karol Jablonsky, davanti a Team Origin e Azzurra), è stata l’applicazione di particolari coefficienti utilizzati proprio in seguito alla mancata disputa della regata odierna.
Per quanto riguarda i Knock Out, Hamish Pepper, skipper e tattico di BMW Oracle Racing, ha optato per TFS PagesJaunes, lasciando ad Artemis il duello con All4One.
Classifica finale Round Robin 2
1. Emirates Team New Zealand pt. 6
2. Team Origin pt. 4.5
3. Synergy pt. 4.5
4. Azzurra pt. 4.5
5. BMW Oracle Racing pt. 3
6. Artemis pt. 3
7. All4One pt. 2
8. TFS PagesJaunes pt. 0.5
Programma di giovedì 19
1 – Semifinale: Azzurra (ITA-90) vs Team Origin (ITA-99)
2 – Knock Out: BMW Oracle Racing (GBR-75) vs TFS PagesJaunes (FRA-93)
3 – Semifinale: Emirates Team New Zealand (ITA-90) vs Synergy (ITA-99)
4 – Knock Out: Artemis (GBR-75) vs All4One (FRA-93)
[Louis Vuitton Trophy Press Release] Emirates Team New Zealand has selected Synergy Russia Sailing Team to race in the semi final round of the Louis Vuitton Trophy Nice Côte d’Azur.
Team New Zealand and skipper Dean Barker were the best team in the rounds robin, posting a 9-1 record in 10 starts. They consistently won in the pre-start and had flawless crew work around the racecourse.
“We’re a consistent team because we’ve been together so long as a group. That helps us through the tough times,” said Barker, the winning skipper of the 2007 Louis Vuitton Cup.
The Kiwis, however, picked the hottest team at the regatta. Synergy, led by Polish skipper Karol Jablonski, enters the match on a five-race winning streak and has polished its game since starting the regatta at 0-3.
“It’s hard when you get to this stage of the regatta. All the teams are strong,” Barker said. “They won’t be an easy opponent and if we don’t sail well they’ll beat us.”
The second semi final match has Team Origin from Great Britain racing Azzurra of Italy. Azzurra skipper Francesco Bruni led his crew to a 1 minute defeat of Ben Ainslie and TeamOrigin in the first round.
The first crew to score 2 points will be the winner of each match.
Concurrent to the semi finals is knockout racing for 5th through 8th place. BMW Oracle Racing takes on TFS – PagesJaunes in one match and Artemis races All4One in the other.
Both matches are one race with the winners advancing to determine 5th and 6th, while the vanquished sail a one race match for 7th and 8th.
Tomorrow is an off day and racing is scheduled to resume Thursday, 19 November.
Today’s anticipated final match between Team New Zealand and Synergy was cancelled in the afternoon when sufficient wind failed to materialise on the Baie des Anges.
The cancellation of the match caused a re-scoring of the leaderboard based on Appendix C10.3 of the Racing Rules of Sailing, which awards partial points for those matches sailed twice.
“The ranking was established in a way we were hoping to avoid,” said Chief Umpire Bill Edgerton. “There’s no difference between the top four and bottom four, but there is a difference in their order.”
Ranking after Round Robin 2
1. Emirates Team New Zealand pt. 6
2. Team Origin pt. 4.5
3. Synergy pt. 4.5
4. Azzurra pt. 4.5
5. BMW Oracle Racing pt. 3
6. Artemis pt. 3
7. All4One pt. 2
8. TFS PagesJaunes pt. 0.5
1 – Semifinale: Azzurra (ITA-90) vs Team Origin (ITA-99)
2 – Knock Out: BMW Oracle Racing (GBR-75) vs TFS PagesJaunes (FRA-93)
3 – Semifinale: Emirates Team New Zealand (ITA-90) vs Synergy (ITA-99)
4 – Knock Out: Artemis (GBR-75) vs All4One (FRA-93)
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