Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, gli skipper incontrano la stampa
LV Pacific SeriesVela 29 Gennaio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1596,250,170,,left]Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – Si è svolta oggi pomeriggio presso la sede della Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron la conferenza stampa di presentazione delle Louis Vuitton Pacific Series.
I dieci skipper sono stati presentati ai media da Bruno Troublé che a fine meeting ha sovrainteso al sorteggio delle imbarcazioni per le regate della prima giornata. Luna Rossa affronterà Team Origin a bordo di NZL-84 (agli inglesi è toccato lo scafo più recente); stessa cosa capitata a Emirates Team New Zealand che nel match contro Damiani Italia Challenge regaterà a bordo di USA-98.
Di seguito trovate il video integrale della conferenza stampa.
[flashvideo filename=video/lvps/LVPS_press_conference.flv /]
Audio courtesy Zerogradinord.it.
[Louis Vuitton Pacific Series Press Release] Ten of the world’s top match racing skippers met the press tonight in a crowded ceremony at the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron (RNZYS) and all promised to deliver two weeks of close and intense racing for the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series Trophy.
Kiwi Russell Coutts, the skipper of the American team BMW Oracle Racing, summed up the comments of all the skippers when he said: “This shows how much the guys want to go out and do some racing in big boats. It’s fantastic. You look around at the standard and level of competition represented here – it’s probably one of the best events I’ve ever been to. Conditions will be very hard but I think we will see some great racing.”
After welcomes from Commodore Scott Colebrook of the RNZYS and event organiser Bruno Troublé, representing Louis Vuitton, and a series of press questions, the skippers drew for the boats they will sail in the first day of racing tomorrow.
In the opening race, France’s Pataugas K-Challenge will race aboard USA-98 against China Team in USA-87. The second race will see Britain’s Team Origin in NZL-92 starting against Italy’s Luna Rossa NZL-84. The third race will be Emirates Team New Zealand in USA-98 versus Damiani Italia Challenge sailing USA-87. The last race of the day is the newcomer Greek Challenge in NZL-84, up against Switzerland’s powerful Alinghi team from Switzerland in NZL-92.
Racing will start on the Waitemata Harbour off North Head at 11:00 am and the four races will be sailed one after the other with only a few minutes between each race. The short windward-leeward races are expected to take less than an hour each in the forecast 10 to 15-knot southwest breeze.
Television cameras and still photographers are expected to crowd into the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series Race Village tomorrow, even before it open at 8:00 am. The public is welcome to come for breakfast at the Skycity Pacific Bar and see the boats depart. Virtual Eye digital 3D coverage of the racing will be viewable all day on a big screen and the public can join the evening press conference each night.
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