Ian Williams skipper di China Team
China TeamLV Pacific SeriesVela 17 Novembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=798,250,170,,left] Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – China Team ha reso noto poche ore fa di aver raggiunto un accordo con Ian Williams. Il timoniere britannico, campione del mondo di match race 2007, ricoprirà il ruolo di skipper per l’intera durata della prossima campagna di Coppa America e assumerà l’incarico già nelle prossime settimane, per preparare l’equipaggio all’appuntamento con le Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, in programma ad Auckland all’inizio di febbraio.
Ai primissimi posti della ranking list dell’uno contro uno da ormai lungo tempo, Williams si occuperà della crescita del team, reduce, sotto la guida francese, da una campagna velanciana alquanto travagliata: “Stavamo cercando un timoniere giovane e dinamico, che, oltre ad essere carismatico, portasse con sé esperienza ed entusiasmo – ha spiegato Stuart James, Direttore Esecutivo del sindacato cinese – Ian è la persona giusta per poter realizzare un grande programma”.
“Sono molto soddisfatto di aver ricevuto una chiamata da China Team per le Louis Vuitton Pacific Series. L’evento sarà di livello elevatissimo e rappresenta senza dubbio la giusta occasione per iniziare una campagna di Coppa America – ha raccontato un felicissimo Williams – La Cina vanta un’ottima tradizione dal punto di vista velico, mi auguro di poter contribuire a riportarne la bandiera sui principali podi internazionali”.
Per visitare il minisito delle Louis Vuitton Pacific Series clicca qui.
Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – AC China Team is delighted to announce that 2007 World Match Racing Champion Ian Williams has signed on to be the new skipper of China Team America’s Cup program and will lead the team for the first time at the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2009.
With his 2007 title Williams became the first Englishman to win the World Match Racing Tour title in the event’s 19 year history. He is at the top of the leader board again in 2008, as the Tour heads to its final event in Malaysia in December, and is ranked Number Two in the world by the International Sailing Federation.
“China Team was looking for a young dynamic sailor with the right combination of experience, enthusiasm, attitude and leadership skills to get the program going in the right direction.” said Stuart James, Executive Director of China Team Sailing. “Ian is a guy around whom we can build a great program.”
Williams will play an instrumental role in the overall development of the team, its sailors and the development of AC China Team’s domestic sailing program. AC China Team is building globally competitive sailing teams, comprising Chinese and foreign sailors, to compete in different events around the world. AC China Team will also develop sailing events in China for international competition in Chinese waters.
“I am very excited to be joining China Team for the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series. The regatta promises some excellent racing and it is a fantastic opportunity for the new team to start building towards the next multi-challenger America’s Cup,” said Ian Williams. “China has a strong and proud history in sailing and I hope that our participation in this and future regattas can assist in making China a great sailing nation once again”
Team Owner Wang Chaoyong commented: “Our relationship with Ian Williams allows us to take AC China Team to the next level as we seek to develop China’s team sailing community, and its ability to compete in international waters. I am proud to be able to continue to support this outstanding international sailing program.”
To visit the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series microsite click here.
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