Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, i risultati della quarta giornata
LV Pacific SeriesVela 2 Febbraio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1642,250,170,,left]Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – Al via la quarta giornata di regate valide per le Louis Vuitton Pacific Series. Ad Auckland si è iniziato a regatare dopo una lunga attesa. I primi a darsi battaglia nelle acque della Waitemata Bay sono Emirates Team New Zealand e China Team.
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Emirates Team New Zealand vs China Team
Non c’è storia tra Emirates Team New Zealand e China Team. Dean Barker ha messo alle strette Ian Williams e lo ha obbligato all’OCS. La regata è finita ancor prima del via: a metà della seconda bolina il vantaggio dei kiwi è di oltre 300 metri.
Luna Rossa vs Greek Challenge
Anche in questo caso la regata si è conclusa ancor prima del via. Peter Holmberg ha dominato la partenza e ha guadagnato un buon margine di vantaggio su Greek Challenge e lo ha incrementato nel corso del match.
BMW Oracle Racing vs K-Challenge
Split start per Russell Coutts e Sebastien Col: i francesi navigano sulla sinistra del campo, mentre gli statunitensi hanno optato per la destra. A pagare è la scelta tattica di BMW Oracle Racing che, presa la testa della regata, ha esteso la propria leadership tenendo a distanza di sicurezza l’avversario.
Team Origin vs Team Shosholoza
Niente da fare per Paolo Cian contro Ben Ainslie, anche se il timoniere partenopeo ha tenuto il campo con grinta e determinazione. Gli inglesi di Team Origin, passati al comando pochi minuti dopo il via grazie a un salto di vento, si confermano come uno dei team più forti e meglio organizzati di queste Louis Vuitton Pacific Series: anche in questo caso si può affermare che non c’è stata regata.
Team Shosholoza vs Luna Rossa (recupero match rinviato ieri)
Un match incredibile. Team Shosholoza, incassata una dubbia penalità alla prima boa di poppa, ha tentato di allungarsi per trovare il modo di scontarla. Non riuscendo a mettere tra sé e Luna Rossa acqua sufficiente, Paolo Cian ha aspettato l’avversario durante il lato conclusivo. Le due barche si sono esibite in una spettacolare serie di strambate a vele bianche. Il tentativo di Shosholoza, purtroppo per Cian, si è rivelato infruttuoso. Incassata una seconda panalità, i sudafricani hanno lasciato via libera agli uomini di Peter Holmberg, al secondo successo consecutivo.
Hanno riposato Damiani Italia Challenge e Alinghi.
LVPS, risultati della quarta giornata
Emirates Team New Zealand batte China Team
Luna Rossa batte Greek Challenge di 55″
BMW Oracle Racing batte Pataugas K-Challenge di 45″
Team Origin batte Team Shosholoza
Luna Rossa batte Team Shosholoza
Pool A
3 pt – Emirates Team New Zealand
2 pt – Damiani Italia Challenge
2 pt – BMW Oracle Racing
1 pt – Pataugas K-Challenge
0 pt – China Team
Pool B
3 pt – Team Origin
2 pt – Alinghi
2 pt – Luna Rossa
0 pt – Team Shosholoza
0 pt – Greek Challenge
[singlepic=1641,250,170,,left][Louis Vuitton Pacific Series Press Release] Competition in the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series took on a new sense of urgency as dusk fell over the Hauraki Gulf this evening and South Africa’s Shosholoza and Italy’s Luna Rossa scrapped like tigers throughout a four-lap race. Think dinghy moves in 80-footers!
The victory honors went to Peter Holmberg skippering Luna Rossa but only after multiple lead changes and two penalties imposed on the South African boat. It was by far the closest race in the first four days of competition in the two-week long international match race for big boats sailed in Auckland’s harbour.
A long delay waiting for suitable wind forced a late start to racing and nightfall was near by the time the Italians and South Africans and had their chance to sail a race that was abandoned yesterday.
A tense pre-start battle led into a close weather leg featuring lead changes and some slow-speed jockeying for position at the weather mark. Cian was first around with an 18 second margin only to be penalized on the run as Holmberg drew level and tried to pass. At the leeward mark Holmberg scraped in by just five seconds ahead of the Italians.
At the second weather mark Cian had the upper hand again and executed a series of downspeed defensive tacks that had the boats crawling above the layline as the Italian skipper looked for an opportunity to land a penalty on Holmberg, a move that would cancel the penalty hanging over his head.
An already tactical race turned bizarre as the boats rounded and neither set spinnakers. Cian was still hunting for a penalty. Holmberg was content to lay back and avoid one. The top half of the last run was a series of jerky S-turns with the big mainsails slamming back and forwards as the skippers feinted and counterpunched. Finally Cian copped a second penalty which meant he had to take the requisite 360-turn to neutralize the first. Holmberg sailed away to win by 1min9sec.
In four other races today, China Team lost to Emirates Team New Zealand after blowing their race start, while Luna Rossa comfortably defeated the Greek Challenge. BMW Oracle Racing won by 54 seconds over Pataugas K-Challenge and Team Origin beat Shosholoza by 48 seconds.
With one day’s competition remaining in the first round robin, the scores are: Pool A – Emirates Team New Zealand, 3; Damiani Italia Challenge, 2; BMW Oracle Racing, 2; Pataugas K Challenge, 1; China Team, 0. Pool B – TEAMORIGIN, 3; Alinghi, 2; Luna Rossa, 2; Greek Challenge, 0, Team Shosholoza, 0.
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