Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, i risultati della prima giornata
LV Pacific SeriesVela 30 Gennaio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
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Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – Al via la prima giornata di regate valide per le Louis Vuitton Pacific Series. Ad Auckland le condizioni meteo sono ideali: il vento soffia dai quadranti settentrionali attorno ai 13-15 nodi e il mare è calmo. I primi a darsi battaglia nelle acque della Waitemata Bay sono Pataugas K-Challenge e China Team.
Pataugas K-Challenge vs China Team
Ottima la partenza di China Team, che a metà della prima poppa cede però il passo a K-Challenge per un problema al tangone. Sébastien Col mantiene la testa fin sulla linea del traguardo.
Luna Rossa vs Team Origin
Buona partenza di Team Origin che controlla Luna Rossa sin dal via. Ben Ainslie taglia la linea con ben venti secondi di margine sul team italiano, guidato da Peter Holmberg.
Damiani-Italia Challenge vs Emirates Team New Zealand
New Zealand taglia la linea di partenza in netto vantaggio rispetto al team italiano. All’inizio della seconda poppa Damiani-Italia Challenge recupera ma, a causa di una strambata imprecisa, non riesce ad ostacolare il team di Grant Dalton.
Alinghi vs Greek Challenge
Debutto amaro per i greci di Greek Challenge, battuti da Alinghi al termine di una regata che li aveva visti condurre per tre quarti del primo lato di bolina. In evidente difficoltà ion fase di manovra, gli uomini di Gavin Brady hanno pagato caro un incrocio ravvicinato: buco sul dritto di prua e un punto di penalizzazione.
Hanno riposato BMW Oracle Racing e Team Shosholoza.
LVPS, risultati della prima giornata
Pataugas K-Challenge batte China Team
Emirates Team New Zealand batte Damiani Italia Challenge
Team Origin batte Luna Rossa
Alinghi batte Greek Challenge
Pool A
1 pt – Emirates Team New Zealand
1 pt – Pataugas K-Challenge
0 pt – Damiani-Italia Challenge
0 pt – China Team
0 pt – BMW Oracle Racing
Pool B
1 pt – Team Origin
1 pt – Alinghi
0 pt – Team Shosholoza
0 pt – Luna Rossa
-1 pt – Greek Challenge
[flashvideo filename=video/lvps/LVPS_pressconference_300109.flv /]
Il video della conferenza stampa. Video copyright Zerogradinord.it.
[Louis Vuitton Press Release] The hint of upsets to come were in the air today off Auckland’s North Head as contestants in the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series completed four races in building gusty, shifty conditions that tested the skills of crews.
The French team Pataugas K-Challenge won the opening match, defeating China Team by 1m 2s in a shifty and gusty 14-16 knot southwesterly breeze. Under gray skies K-Challenge made a strong start on port at the pin end of the line. China Team made a late start on starboard at the committee boat end but skipper Ian Williams made big gains up the first weather leg. A gybe early on the spinnaker run resulted in a broken spinnaker pole on the Chinese boat, a situation compounded by a penalty after a leeward mark incident. The Chinese did well to finish just over one minute astern after taking their penalty.
With the wind strength increasing, the new crew of the British Team Origin syndicate was in total control from the start of its encounter with Italian’s Luna Rossa. With two Olympic gold medallists in the afterguard – Ben Ainslie at the helm, and Iain Percy calling tactics – Team Origin won the start and after a spirited tacking duel up the middle of the course, established a 22s lead around the first mark. Despite efforts by Luna Rossa helmsman Peter Holmberg, the British team pulled away to win by 1m 11s.
In the third race, sailing on home waters, Emirate Team New Zealand’s skipper/helmsman Dean Barker led from start to finish against Damiani Italia Challenge. Francesco Bruni on the helm of the Italian boat started in synch with the Kiwis with a safe leeward berth, only to see the home team boat inch slowly away. At the end the Kiwi margin was 19s.
In 18-20 knot gusts, Greek Challenge made their mark, literally, in their maiden appearance, racing against top seed Alinghi. Gavin Brady, the Kiwi skipper of the Greek boat, had no hesitation in testing his mettle against Ed Baird, Alinghi’s skipper in the pre-start. He paid a heavy penalty when he lost control momentarily and his bow hit the stern of Alinghi. It cost the feisty Brady one penalty point for “hard contact.” Unperturbed, Brady made a good recovery and led Baird out towards the port layline before the Swiss boat settled down and began to sail steadily away. The umpires awarded the requisite one point to Alinghi for their victory and docked the Greek Challenge one point, leaving them in negative territory. The margin was 2m 2s.
At a press conférence on the Village plaza in front of the big screen, the teams racing tomorrow drew for the boats they’ll sail. The first race of the day, starting at 11 AM, will see BMW Oracle Racing aboard USA-98, racing against Emirates Team New Zealand in USA-87. The second race features Shosholoza aboard NZL-84 versus Greek Challenge in NZL-92. China Team on USA-87 meets Damiani Italia Challenge sailing USA-98 while Luna Rossa will race NZL-84 against Alinghi in NZL-92.
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