Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, ecco dove si regaterà
LV Pacific SeriesVela 26 Dicembre 2008 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=1183,250,170,,left] Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – A poco più di un mese dall’inizio delle regate, il Comitato Organizzatore delle Louis Vuitton Pacific Series ha reso noti gli ultimi dettagli riguardanti l’evento che, lo ricordiamo, si svolgerà ad Auckland tra il 30 gennaio e il 14 febbraio 2009. Come preannunciato, le regate si disputeranno nel tratto di mare compreso tra l’Isola di Rangitoto e il Golfo di Hauraky, una scelta che permetterà di seguire le manche anche da terra.
Inoltre, sia sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale che sul New Zealand Herald è stato pubblicato l’atto con il quale il Ministero dei Trasporti ha riconosciuto l’ufficialità dell’evento.
Sempre da parte dell’organizzazione sono stati messi a disposizione di pubblico e addetti ai lavori i pdf relativi al posizionamento dei campi di regata e il pianetto del percorso.
Louis Vuitton Pacific Series – Auckland – Spectators perched on Auckland vantage points will be a familiar sight when the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series takes place from 30 January to 14 February 2009. Sailing teams familiar to New Zealanders from years of rivalry on the Waitemata and around the world have signed up for the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series to be raced in Auckland this summer.
The 12 teams recently named include Emirates Team New Zealand, BMW Oracle Racing and a number of other international syndicates.
Racing will be held on the Waitemata Harbour from 30 January to 14 February 2009. The action takes place between Rangitoto Island and Orakei Wharf, giving spectators on land a great view. The series promises to be a stunning event.
Notice of Intetion to Declare a Majore Maritime Event
The event has been publicly notified in the New Zealand Gazette and the NZ Herald as follows: Maritime Transport Act 1994 – Notice of Intention to Declare a Major Maritime Event.
The following chart depicts the general area applicable under the special event controls provided by Section 200B of the Maritime Transport Act. It also shows the general position of the four coloured courses, only one of which will be in use on a given day. The orientation of the course will be wind direction dependent: Louis Vuitton Event Area and Race Course.
The following chart depicts the general course arrangement which will be used for conducting all of the racing. This arrangement will be superimposed on any one of the coloured course areas , depending on the wind direction on the day: Louis Vuitton Course Management.
Vela20879 | In evidenza6125 | |
Monotipia4165 | Oceano2721 | |
Breaking news2563 | Altura2447 | |
Derive2004 | English1732 | |
America's Cup1559 | ORC-IRC1344 |
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