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Barcelona World Race, attraverso i Doldrums Barcelona World Race, attraverso i Doldrums
Giunti ormai al traverso di Fernando de Noronha e a un niente dalle calme equatoriali, Jean Pierre Dick e Loyck Peyron hanno rallentato il... Barcelona World Race, attraverso i Doldrums

Video courtesy Barcelona World Race.

Fernando de Noronha – Giunti ormai al traverso di Fernando de Noronha e a un niente dalle calme equatoriali, Jean Pierre Dick e Loyck Peyron hanno rallentato il passo e ceduto una cinquantina di miglia alla rimonta di Mapfre, rimasto al palo nei giorni scorsi, quando il binomio francese ha approcciato con miglior acume tattico il centro di un’alta pressione molto marcata. Nonostante il ritorno di Mapfre, gli skipper di Virbac Paprec 3 possono comunque dormire sonni tranquilli: nelle prossime ore, infatti, anche Iker Martinez e Xavier Fernandez, perfettamente assestati nella scia del leader, cui pagano un disavanzo di 350 miglia, “sbatteranno” contro i famigerati Doldrum, rallentando notevolmente la loro marcia.

Chi invece viaggia spinto da una generosa brezza provenente da sud-est è Renault Z.E. Salito al terzo posto dalle parti di Wellington a causa delle soste tecniche di altri concorrenti, l’IMOCA 60 di Pachi Rivero e Toni Piris difende con grande determinazione il terzo posto dall’ombra di Neutrogena che da quando è transitata al largo delle Falkland ha seguit una rotta molto più diretta alla volta dell’Equatore.

Intanto, da bordo di Hugo Boss, ottava forza della classifica, lo skipper Wouter Verbraak ha fatto sapere che, a causa di una serie di problemi tecnici, è sua intenzione fermarsi a Stanley, capitale delle Falkland, Nel corso delle quarantotto ore che avranno a disposizione, lui, il suo co-skipper Andy Meiklejhon e lo shore team in arrivo dall’Argentina, si adopereranno per riparare il riparabile e riprendere il viaggio verso il traguardo.

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[Source Barcelona World Race] Virbac-Paprec 3 have had a slow night averaging just 4.5 knots as they struggle in the Doldrums with their speeds down to two and three knots at times, covering just 30 miles overnight. Iker Martinez and Xabi Fernandez have been able to regain 50 miles and their averages were still well into double figures this morning, though they will see their breeze lighten today.

Renault ZE Sailing Team have around 13-20 knots from the SE, theoretically trade winds conditions though the breeze was expected to be quite unsettled in direction and strength, but they have had a solid night and largely held their distance on the pursuing duo of Neutrogena and Estrella Damm.

And in very similar breeze to each other the duel between Neutrogena and Estrella Damm remains finely balanced – honours even over every one of the usual yardsticks, Boris Herrmann and Ryan Breymaier making two miles more than Pepe Ribes and Alex Pella over 24 hours and overnight, but this three strong peloton are very even in these reaching conditions. The breeze might head slowly today for the fourth and fifth placed boats. There is still almost exactly 100 miles between the American-German duo and Barcelona’s Ribes and Pella. Estrella Damm is quickest this morning.

GAES Centros Auditivos are making the best of their final hours in the Roaring 40’s as they tread a fine line NE’ly with the lighter breezes coming at them, and the better pressure still to their right.

There are certainly questions over Hugo Boss’ next move and they appear to still be in a holding pattern off the Falklands making only slow speeds. Wouter Verbraak has reported that their sail repairs have been unsuccessful so far and they still seem to be reviewing their options.

Mirabaud are making steady progress, having now covered approximately half the distance to land since their mast broke. They are making a steady five to six knots.

Forum Maritimo Català are 1090 miles from Cape Horn this morning making 10 kts and We Are Water are north of the West Pacific Gate making 12 knots towards the next one.

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