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Si torna a parlare del prestigioso riconoscimento assegnato dall'ISAF ai velisti - uomo e donna - che si sono maggiormente distinti nel corso dell'ultima...

ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year – Londra – Si torna a parlare del prestigioso riconoscimento assegnato dall’ISAF ai velisti – uomo e donna – che si sono maggiormente distinti nel corso dell’ultima stagione agonistica. La Federvela internazionale ha infatti annunciato che da oggi tutti, appassionati e addetti ai lavori, possono avanzare le proprie nomination compilando l’apposito modulo disponibile cliccando qui. Le nomination dovranno pervenire all’ISFf entro le ore 12 del 6 settembre.

I voti raccolti verranno scrutinati e fatti confluire in liste di gradimento popolare. I velisti più votati verranno investiti della nomination ufficiale. Tra loro, i centotrenta grandi elettori scelti dall’ISAF, individueranno i Velisti dell’Anno Rolex, che seguiranno nell’albo d’oro della manifestazione i nomi di Torben Grael e Anna Tunnicliffe.

I riconoscimenti saranno assegnati ad Atene, la sera del 9 novemebre, nel corso di una cena a margine della Conferenza Annuale.

[ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Press Release] Nominations are now invited for the 2010 ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year Awards, the most prestigious award of recognition in the sport of sailing. Since the first Awards presentation in 1994, the nominees and winners have always included the highest achievers from all disciplines of the sport.

The accomplishments of the sailors nominated each year are an inspiration – from windsurfers and dinghy sailors to offshore specialists, a nominee’s achievements may be an exceptional series of regatta wins, a record breaking passage or a triumph against the odds.

Nominations may be made by anyone and the only criterion for sailors is “outstanding achievement in the sport of sailing” during the qualifying period of 1 September 2009 to 31 August 2010.

Nominations should be sent to ISAF by 12.00 (UTC) on Monday 6 September 2010 using the Official Nomination Form, available here.

A shortlist of nominations will be drawn up by ISAF from all those received by the deadline and those making the cut will go on to become the ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year 2010 Nominees. The 130 ISAF Member National Authorities will then vote for one male and one female sailor who they believe merits the Award.

The winners will be announced at the Awards dinner on Tuesday 9 November in Athens, Greece, the host city for the ISAF Annual Conference. The winners will be presented with the unique marble and silver trophy depicting the globe, crowned with five silver spinnakers representing the continents, together with a personalized Rolex timepiece.

Who will join the list of winners?

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