Dall’ISAF un piano per prevenire i cedimenti strutturali delle barche
CantieriSailing.orgVela 8 Maggio 2009 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic=2428,300,204,,left]Vela e cantieri – Southampton – L’ISAF ha lanciato un’iniziativa in risposta al crescente numero di incidenti strutturali che nel corso degli ultimi mesi hanno colpito numerose imbarcazioni.
Il piano della Federvela internazionale mira a rendere più sicure le imbarcazioni destinate alla navigazione d’altura. In pratica l’ISAF ha dato un giro di vite alle Offshore Special Regulations, specie per ciò che riguarda i dettagli di costruzione degli scafi, e si adopererà affinchè le disposizioni vengano fatte rispettare con accuratezza il più presto possibile.
A tal proposito, Jason Smithwick, capo del dipartimento tecnico dell’ISAF, ha spiagato: “L’ISAF ha spedito un chiaro messaggio per ribadire l’importanza della sicurezza in mare e che tutti i problemi inerenti a chiglie e cedimenti strutturali devono essere risolti con tempestività. Il Piano Strutturale di Revisione fornisce un chiaro quadro di riferimento per progettisti, costruttori e proprietari per far si che sia garantita la conformità del loro lavoro con i recenti aggiornamenti apportati ai regolamenti. Inoltre abbiamo pubblicato una serie di documenti che saranno semplice guida per attuare al meglio il Piano Strutturale di Revisione e per mettere in pratica tutte le misure ad esso relative”.
Per consultare tutta la documentazione relativa clicca qui.
[ISAF Press Release] The International Sailing Federation (ISAF) has launched a major new safety initiative in response to the growing number of structural failures, publishing details of the new ISAF Offshore Special Regulations Structural Plan Review.
The Structural Plan Review aims to combat an increase in the number of structural failures in offshore yachts and the safety concerns inherent with such failures. The ISAF Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) have been amended to strengthen the regulation surrounding hull construction and the aim of the Structural Plan Review is to implement compliance with these new requirements as quickly as possible.
Jason Smithwick, Head of the ISAF Technical and Offshore Department, explains: “ISAF has sent out a clear message that safety at sea is paramount and structural problems which can result in keel and hull failures must be addressed. The Structural Plan Review provides a clear framework for designers, builders and owners to ensure they comply with the recent updates to the Offshore Special Regulations. As part of the scheme we have published a series of documents which give a simple guide to the Structural Plan Review and the steps which need to be taken by different parties.”
ISAF has created a guide to the new scheme which includes procedural documents for owners, designers, builders and ISAF recognized notified bodies. A sample OSR Plan Review certification is also included as an illustration. The structural plan review will be undertaken by ISAF recognised notified bodies, organizations that are able to carry out assessments and issue CE certificates for the European Recreational Craft Directive and have been recognized by ISAF. A list of notified bodies with contact information is available to download from the Structural Plan Review page.
The OSR govern offshore racing for monohulls and multihulls, as well as structural features, yacht equipment, personal equipment and training. The OSR are published every two years, with Amendment Sheets issued to detail any changes made in the intervening period. Following a Working Party review of keel failure incidents, the ISAF Offshore Committee approved an update to the OSR meaning yachts racing in Category 0, 1 and 2 should be constructed to one of the newly approved International Standard for yacht structure – ISO 12215.
The 2009 OSR Amendment Sheet, available to download at the ISAF Offshore Special Regulations microsite www.sailing.org/specialregs, contains full details of the requirements of the updated OSR 3.03 relating to – Hull Construction Standards (Scantlings).
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