Star World Championship, Percy-Simpson a un passo dal successo
Classi OlimpicheVela 20 Gennaio 2010 Zerogradinord 0
[singlepic id=4860 w=300 h=204 float=left]Star World Championship – Rio de Janeiro – Vincendo la quarta regata del Mondiale Star, disputata nel corso della giornata odierna in seguito a un inatteso cambio di programma, Iain Percy ed Andrew Simpson hanno mosso un passo forse decisivo verso la conquista del titolo iridato. A due sole prove dal termine, con uno scarto ancora da conteggiare e uno score che comprende un primo, due secondi e un undicesimo, i campioni olimpici in carica vantano un margine di diciannove punti sui brasiliani Adler-de Alameida (6-5-11-13), secondi ma incalzati dai norvegesi Melleby-Petterson (9-10-4-16).
Osservando i parziali è facile ipotizzare che a insidiare il binomio inglese sino alla fine dell’evento possano essere Flavio Marazzi ed Enrico De Maria (30-1-6-4). Liberandosi del trentesimo rimediato nella prima manche, infatti, i due svizzeri, a patto di tenere il passo delle ultime tre manche, avrebbero le carte in regola per approfittare di un’eventuale passo falso della coppia di testa.
Mondiale in crescita per Diego Negri e Nando Colaninno (23-18-5-6) che, dopo una partenza poco convincente, hanno trovato la giusta fase con il campo di regata brasiliano attestandosi in quinta posizione e paiono intenzionati a tentare l’assalto al podio: impresa difficile ma non impossibile.
Tra i primi dieci ha fatto il suo ingresso anche l’armo di Torben Grael e Marcelo Ferreira, cui è mancata la necessaria regolarità.
La quinta e penultima prova del Mondiale, che in teoria potrebbe dare a Percy-Simpson la certezza del successo, si disputerà domani.
Star World Championship
1. Percy-Simpson, 2-11-2-1, pt. 16
2. Adler-de Almeida, 6-5-11-13, pt. 35
3. Melleby-Petterson, 9-10-4-16, pt. 39
4. Marazzi-De Maria, 30-1-6-4, pt. 41
5. Negri-Colaninno, 23-18-5-6, pt. 52
[International Star Class Press Release] Iain Percy and Andrew “Bart” Simpson continued to dominate the 2010 Star World Championship. With today’s first place finish the 2008 Olympic Gold Medalists stretched their lead to 19 points over 1989 Star World Champion, Alan Adler and Guilherme Alemeida by winning Race 4. The 2008 North American Champions Rick Merriman Phil Trinter had a solid command of second place throughout the race and Andre Mirsky and Marcelo Jordao, bettered their 6th place finish in Race 2 by finishing third today.
Percy-Simpson came off the water today in great spirits and reported: “We had lovely conditions. It was the first real day of sailing with 6-8 knots in the beginning and 12-14 for the last part of the race”. Careful not to jinx their run away lead and knowing that another stellar performance in Race 5 could give them a Gold Star to pair with their Olympic Gold, Percy said: “It’s about avoiding disasters in an 80-boat fleet.”
Eivind Melleby and Petter Morland Petterson continue to hang tough and are now in third place overall. Two points behind are Flavio Marazzi and Enrico DeMaria.
Race 5 is scheduled for tomorrow. Following the completion of five races, teams can discard their worst race score. Johannes Babendererde and Timo Jacobs recovered from yesterday’s 39 and lowered their average with their eight place finish today.
There are many teams who have one finish in their scoreline that they would like to discard and tomorrow’s race is likely to reshuffle the deck. Among those teams that had a top-10 race today and have a history of coming out on top by the end of a regatta are: Marazzi-DeMaria, who finished 4th today; 2007 World Champions and Silver Medalists at the Qingdao Olympics, Scheidt-Prada; Italian Olympian Diego Negri and Nando Colaninno, who finished 6th; Grael-Ferreira, with a team record of one win, five seconds and two third-place finishes in Star World Championships; and Lars Grael and Ronald Seifert, who were third at the 2009 Star World Championship.
Stay tuned. The 2010 Star World Championship title could be determined tomorrow.
Star World Championship
1. Percy-Simpson, 2-11-2-1, pt. 16
2. Adler-de Almeida, 6-5-11-13, pt. 35
3. Melleby-Petterson, 9-10-4-16, pt. 39
4. Marazzi-De Maria, 30-1-6-4, pt. 41
5. Negri-Colaninno, 23-18-5-6, pt. 52
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