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Più di venti sedi sono state indicate dal Comitato Organizzatore dei prossimi Giochi Olimpici alle nazionali che desiderano allenarsi in vista di Londra 2012.

Londra 2012 – Londra – Più di venti sedi sono state indicate dal Comitato Organizzatore dei prossimi Giochi Olimpici alle nazionali che desiderano allenarsi in vista di Londra 2012 prendendo parte ai Pre-Games Training Camps.

Lo stesso Comitato ha offerto un rimborso di 25.000 Sterline ai Comitati Olimpici Nazionali e ai Comitati Nazionali Paraolimpici che sceglieranno di usufruire di alcuni dei migliori impianti sportivi britannici.

Tre i ventuno siti inclusi nella lista, tre sono nei pressi di Weymouth e Portland, località destinate a ospitare le regate valide ai fini dell’assegnazione delle medaglie olimpiche.

[ISAF Press Release] Over 20 different venues around Great Britain are available to sailing teams wishing to take part in a Pre-Games Training Camp ahead of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) is offering a Financial Award of up to £25,000 to National Olympic Committees (NOC) and National Paralympic Committees (NPC) choosing to take advantage of some of the best sailing facilities in Great Britain.

Twenty-one sailing venues across Great Britain have been chosen for inclusion in the London 2012 Pre-Games Training Camp Guide, including three facilities based on the Weymouth and Portland waters where the 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition will take place.

NOCs and NPCs can take advantage of a Financial Award of up to £25,000 offered by LOCOG to assist with the expenses of venue hire, accommodation and support services for Pre-Games Training Camps.

Sebastian Coe, Chair of LOCOG, says teams can expect a warm welcome, “What we can guarantee, apart from excellent facilities, is that the communities throughout the UK will welcome you with open arms, keen to play their part in a great Games. We are all looking forward to welcoming you in the lead up to 2012”.

In addition to the 21 sailing venues, 14 venues have been selected as venues for Paralympic Sailing in the London 2012 Paralympic Pre-Games Training Camp Guide.

Anne Mcguire, British Minister for Disabled People, says, “I’m delighted for each of the facilities that are included in the Guide. We’re looking forward to seeing elite athletes from around the world training here in advance of the Paralympic Games, raising the profile of the Games and engaging with local communities across the UK.”

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