Gli Elliot 6 pronti al debutto
Classi OlimpicheMatch RaceSailing.orgVela 5 Giugno 2009 Zerogradinord 0
Match Race Olimpico – Kiel – Il primo lotto di Elliot 6, gli scafi selezionati dall’ISAF per assegnare le medaglie del match race femminile ai Giochi di Londra 2012 hanno lasciato il cantiere alla volta della Germania, dove faranno il loro debutto assoluto in un evento dell’ISAF Sailing World Cup.
Le prime 8 imbarcazioni sono state costruite da McConaghy in Cina e raggiungeranno Amburgo nei prossimi giorni. Da lì verranno trasferite a Kiel per la Kieler Woche, il penultimo evento del circuito iridato, in programma tra il 19 e il 24 giugno. Il loro viaggio si concluderà a Weymouth e Portland, dove a settembre si svolgerà l’atto conclusivo della serie di regate voluto dall’ISAF, la Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta.
Greg Elliot, designer della barca, ha affermato: “Non vedo l’ora che le barche vengano varate a Kiel. Il cantiere ha fatto un ottimo lavoro e sono sicuro che le veliste le apprezzeranno moltissimo”.
Selezionato nel novembre del 2008 come mezzo tecnico per il match race femminile, l’Elliot 6 ha dovuto subire alcune modifiche al piano velico e alla chiglia per consetire l’uso della barca a un equipaggio femminile pesante un massimo di 250 chili.
Per assicurare a tutte le federerazioni nazionali di poter provare la barca, l’ISAF stessa ha controllato la diffusione delle prime 80 unità. Ora che queste sono state assegnate, la stessa ISAF ha annunciato che la distribuzione è tornata sotto il controllo della stessa Elliot Marine.
“Siamo molto soddisfatti del successo che ha incontrato l’introduzione del match race femminile ai Giochi Olimpici – ha spiegato Jasn Smithwick, resposnsabile del reparto tecnico dell’ISAF – Non vediamo l’ora di vedere la barca in azione a Kiel, dove il fiordo naturale riserverà un campo di regata perfetto per l’Elliot 6. Sarà un grande evento con 22 team iscritti”.
[ISAF Press Release] The first batch of the new Elliott 6m keelboats selected as equipment for the Women’s Match Racing event at the 2012 Olympic Games have left the boatyard and are on their way to Germany to make their worldwide debut at the sixth event of the ISAF Sailing World Cup.
The build of the first eight of the new Elliott 6m designs were completed at McConaghy boats in China and left the yard for Germany last month. The boats are being shipped to Hamburg, Germany from where they will be moved to Kiel for Kieler Woche, the penultimate event of the 2008-09 ISAF Sailing World Cup series, taking place from 19-24 June. Following on from Kiel, some of the boats will later be transported to Weymouth and Portland, Great Britain for the final event of the World Cup series, the Skandia Sail for Gold Regatta in September.
Greg Elliott, designer of the Elliott 6m, said: “I am looking forward to the boats being launched in Kiel. McConaghy Boats have done a fantastic building job and I am sure the boats will ensure an exciting event for the women sailors involved.”
In November 2008 the ISAF Council selected the Elliott 6 as equipment for the Women’s Match Racing event at the 2012 Olympic Sailing Competition. For its selection as equipment for the Olympic Games, the boat has undergone modifications to the original design of the sails, rig and keel to specifically suit a crew of three women with a base crew weight of 205kg.
In order to ensure all nations have an equal opportunity to train and race in the new boat, ISAF controlled the distribution to MNAs for the first 80 boats. ISAF are pleased to announce this allocation is now full and Elliott Marine Ltd. is now taking orders directly.
Jason Smithwick, Head of the ISAF Technical and Offshore Department, said: “We’re delighted to with the positive impact made so far by the new women’s match racing equipment and are looking forward to seeing the boat in action on the water at Kiel. The ISAF Sailing World Cup and the spectacular Kiel Fjord will provide the perfect setting for the first racing in the new Elliott 6m and it’s fantastic to see such a strong entry of 22 teams already registered”.
“Getting the boats to Kiel for their World Cup debut has been a great collaborative effort and ISAF would like to thank Elliott Marine, designer Greg Elliott and McConaghy boats, for all their work, as well as the great co-operation of Deutscher Segler Verband, Koninklijk Nederlands Watersport Verbond, the Finnish Sailing Federation, the Helsinki Match Racing Centre and the Kieler Woche organizers.”
Orders for the new Elliott 6m women’s match racing keelboat for delivery in 2010 can now be placed directly with Elliott Marine Ltd.
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