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Giunti a metà del cammino sono gli australiani Mat Belcher e Malcom Page i leader del Mondiale 470 di Scheveningen. Alla vigilia della conclusione...

470 World Championship – Scheveningen – Giunti a metà del cammino sono gli australiani Mat Belcher e Malcom Page i leader del Mondiale 470 di Scheveningen. Alla vigilia della conclusione delle qualificazioni, e quindi della divisione dei quasi centoventi iscritti tra Gold e Silver Fleet, il binomio australiano guida la classifica generale con tre punti di vantaggio sui britannici Asher-Willis, freschi vincitori della Delta Lloyd Regatta di Medemblink, e sugli svedesi Dahlberg-Ostling, sesti nella ranking list mondiale della classe. Va comunque sottolineato che la graduatoria è davvero molto corta: i portoghesi Marinho-Nunes, settimi, hanno quindici punti e sono in piena corsa per la vittoria.

Il Mondiale si sta rivelando avaro di soddisfazione per i colori italiani in campo maschile. Gabrio Zandonà e Pietro Zucchetti, migliori dei nostri, sono trentatreesimi e vantano un sesto come miglior piazzamento.

In campo femminile, invece, la storia azzurra è un pò diversa. Giulia Conti e Giovanna Micol, infatti, sono seconde. Dopo quattro regate il binomio italiano, con tredici punti all’attivo, insegue le neozelandesi Aleh-Powrie, prime con nove punti. A completare il podio provvisorio sono le statunitensi Maxwell-Kinsolving Farrari.

La manifestazione sta facendo i conti con i capricci del meteo. Il primo giorno, infatti, il maltempo ha impedito la disputa delle regate in programma, mentreoggi una pioggia torrenziale ha costretto il Comitato di Regata a rimandare in porto i protagonisti dopo la conclusione della seconda manche, disputata al pari della prima in regime di vento sostenuto ma instabile.

Il mancato svolgimento della sesta regata obbligherà gli equipaggi a una lunga giornata di mare. Domani, infatti, disputata la prima prova, i binomi tornaranno in porto per attendere la definizione delle due flotte e riprenderanno il largo quando il Comitato sarà pronto a dare inizio alle prime regate della serie finale.

Provisional standing
1. Belcher-Page, 1-1-1-5-(15), pt. 8
2. Asher-Willis, 1-1-(11)-7-2, pt. 11
3. Dahlberg-Ostling, 1-(12)-6-3-1, pt. 11
4. Calabrese-De La Fuente, (10)-3-3-3-3, pt. 12
5. Leboucher-Garos, 2-2-(9)-2-7, pt. 13

[Belcher-Page Press Release] Australia’s Golden Boys Mat Belcher and Malcolm Page are the leaders in the Men’s Division of the 2010 Delta Lloyd 470 Word Championship as the 119-boat fleet approaches the end of the Qualifying Series. Belcher-Page posted a 5, 15 today before the fleet was sent home ahead of a torrential downpour.

The ISAF World Cup Champions lead with 8 points and Nic Asher and Elliot Willis and Anton Dahlberg and Sebastian Ostling, are close behind with 11 points. Asher-Willis recently won the Delta Lloyd Regatta and Belcher-Page are chasing Dahlberg-Ostling for are the #1 ranking. With the completion of five races, competitors can discard their worst score.

Belcher described the conditions as tough. “They held us quite close to shore. It was very shifts. It was not very windy – 15-18 knots with lulls under 10.” He continued, “We actually sailed quite well but didn’t get the right shifts. Our second start was great. We hit the shift and were quite lifted and it didn’t go back.”

Commented Malcolm Page, “We went the wrong way on both first beats. The damage wasn’t as bad on the first one.” They rounded the top mark in 18th place in the first race and 32nd in the second race and were pleased with the way that they recovered.

The weather thwarted the completion of the Qualifying Series today, so one more race will be sailed tomorrow and the competitors will return to shore while the fleet is reseeded for the Final Series. “It feels like we’ve already gone the distance. There has been a lot of waiting around and we’re still sailing the qualifiers.” Page explained that the competitors are reseeded after each day of racing and they will be reseeded again on Thursday. “It’s a disappointment that we didn’t get the last race in today. We haven’t come up against the Swedes or the Brits yet.”

Concluded Belcher, “We’re having fun and enjoying it. Things have gone well. We’ll keep it up.”

With five races in light and moderate conditions, there are few surprises in the top ten of the fleet. The competition is close and only 13 points separate the top ten teams. Calabrese-De La Fuente, who have had impressive results at Grade 2 and 3 regattas throughout the year and were 4th at the Delta Lloyd regatta have the most interesting scoreline. After overcoming World Championship jitters in the first race, they have posted a string of four 3’s. Stu Mcnay and Graham Biehl are the top North Americans in the Men’s Division. They are in 16th place with 29 points.

Belcher-Page’s favorite conditions, high winds, are forecast for the first day of the Final Series. The Qualifying Series scores will be carried forward to the Final Series. Up to seven races will be sailed in the Final Series, which runs from July 15-18. No more than three races will be sailed on any given day. A Medal Race finale is planned.

Provisional standing
1. Belcher-Page, 1-1-1-5-(15), pt. 8
2. Asher-Willis, 1-1-(11)-7-2, pt. 11
3. Dahlberg-Ostling, 1-(12)-6-3-1, pt. 11
4. Calabrese-De La Fuente, (10)-3-3-3-3, pt. 12
5. Leboucher-Garos, 2-2-(9)-2-7, pt. 13

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