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Primo giorno di duelli nelle acque del Solent tra BMW Oracle Racing e Team Origin. I due equipaggi, impegnati a bordo dei due...
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Foto courtesy Gilles Masrtin Raget.

The 1851 Cup – Cowes – Primo giorno di duelli nelle acque del Solent tra BMW Oracle Racing e Team Origin. I due equipaggi, impegnati a bordo dei due ACC Versione 5 del defender della Coppa America, stanno dando vita alla The 1851 Cup, evento che vivrà il suo apice giovedì, con la lunga attorno all’Isola di Wight, percorso identico a quello che alimento la fiamma dell’America’s Cup.

A concludere la giornata con il sorriso sulel labbra è stato Team Origin, che ha vinto i due match disputati su u percorso a bastone di 1.2 miglia. Il primo successo, a lungo incerto, è giunto grazie alle ottime scelte tattiche, il secondo, invece, a causa di un errore in fase di partenza commesso da BMW Oracle Racing, che nello spingere in ocs l’avversario, è finito fuori a sua volta. La seguente depenalizzazione ha richiesto molto tempo agli statunitensi, finiti fuori dai giochi sin dalle battute iniziali.

Le regate, trasmesse in diretta su, riprenderanno domani pomeriggio.

THE 1851 CUP,
[BMW Oracle Racing Press Release]
BMW Oracle Racing dropped two heats today to Team Origin on the first day of The 1851 Cup, a one-off match racing regatta between the teams in BMW Oracle Racing’s two V5 America’s Cup Class sloops.

In Race 1 BMW Oracle Racing skipper Jimmy Spithill of Australia took the right side of the racecourse and won a tacking duel up the first leg to lead at the first windward mark after a leg of 1.2 nautical miles. The two crews went through the leeward gate together, each taking opposite sides, and up the second windward leg Team Origin opened a lead to on the right hand side.

“In the first race we had an advantage off the start line, but probably chose the wrong leeward gate to round,” said tactician John Kostecki. “Up the second beat they got a little shift to the right, but fault on us. We have to get it right next time.”

In the second race Team Origin got an early lead when BMW Oracle Racing jumped the start early and lost valuable time restarting. The BMW Oracle crew was tight on Team Origin’s lee bow trying to force them over the start line early, but instead the westerly flowing tide swept BMW Oracle Racing over the line early and handed the British a sizable advantage. The race was shortened at the leeward gate with the wind blowing 22 knots and gusting higher.

“We would’ve preferred another lap,” said Murray Jones, the team’s strategist. “We were a long way behind so in that situation you’re hoping for a handling error or a breakdown on your opponent. But I enjoyed today.”

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