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Si è conclusa questo pomeriggio con lo svolgimento delle ultime tre regate sulle boe la The 1851 Cup, evento che nel corso delle ultime...
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Foto courtesy Gilles Martin Raget.

The 1851 Cup – Cowes – Si è conclusa questo pomeriggio con lo svolgimento delle ultime tre regate sulle boe la The 1851 Cup, evento che nel corso delle ultime quattro giornate ha contrapposto Team Origin a BMW Oracle Racing in una serie di sfide dal forte sapore di America’s Cup.

Il valore triplicato attribuito ad ognuno dei duelli odierni non ha cambiato il succo del discorso. Avanti quattro a uno, guidato da Ben Ainslie Team Origin ha vinto due delle regate odierne e ha chiuso la serie con un dieci a quattro che non ammette repliche da parte statunitense, comunque soddisfatta per la vittoria ottenuta ieri nella regata attorno all’Isola di Wight.

Anzi, i primi a complimentarsi con i vincitori sono stati proprio gli sconfitti: “Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questa regata – ha commentato lo skipper di BMW Oracle Racing, James Spithill – E’ stata davvero una bellissima settimana di vela. Team Origin ha fatto cose egregie e ha meritato la vittoria. Sono stati davvero grandi. Guardiamo avanti verso la prossima sfida”.

[BMW Oracle Racing Press Release] BMW Oracle Racing may have won the war in a race around the Isle of Wight, but today it dropped a battle on the Solent.

BMW Oracle Racing awoke today trailing the match race regatta against Team Origin 4-1. But with wins today worth 3 points, the American yacht quickly tied the series by winning the first race. The British crew rebounded by winning the next two heats with excellent performances in the pre-start and won the series with a 6-point advantage, 10-4.

“Thanks to everyone involved who helped make this regatta happen,” said said BMW Oracle Racing skipper Jimmy Spithill of Australia. “I thought it was fantastic racing. Team Origin came out on top today and deserved to win, full credit to them. We look forward to the next match.”

The five-day regatta saw the two crews complete four days of match racing on the Solent. Yesterday they sailed a race around the Isle of Wight in a recreation of the famous race from 1851 that gave rise to the America’s Cup, sailing’s most revered event.

BMW Oracle Racing won the 53-nautical-mile race by 1 minute and 22 seconds. Coupled with its 2-0 win in the 33rd America’s Cup Match last February, the American crew has sailed 132 nautical miles of original America’s Cup racing in the past six months.

“I think just because of the history behind it, yesterday’s race meant a lot to both teams,” said Spithill. “There was no pulling any punches. Both teams wanted it pretty badly.”

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