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Mentre il sailing team di BMW Oracle Racing specializzato nella conduzione del maxi multiscafo sta tentendo di venire a capo del disalberamento subito da...

[singlepic id=1384 w=300 h=204 float=left]Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nizza – Mentre il sailing team di BMW Oracle Racing specializzato nella conduzione del maxi multiscafo sta tentendo di venire a capo del disalberamento subito da BOR 90 un paio di giorni fa, parte dei velisti alle dipendenze del consorzio statunitense ha raggiunto Nizza, dove sabato debutterà nella prima tappa del Louis Vuitton Trophy. A guidare l’equipaggio, almeno nel corso dei primi match, sarà Russell Coutts, a bordo assieme al tattico Hamish pepper e all’afterguard composto da Gavin Brady, Michele Ivaldi e Larry Ellison.

“Non vedo l’ora di prendere parte a qualche regata conro alcuni dei team più forti del mondo – ha dichiarato il CEO del team statunitense – Il Louis Vuitton Trophy è un evento fantastico e non vediamo l’ora di tornare ad assaporare determinate sensazioni”.

Per gli statunitensi il primo match sarà contro l’equipaggio di Azzurra (Francesco Bruni al timone e Tommaso Chieffi alla tattica), mentre il big match contro Emirates Team New Zealand è in programma solo al dodicesimo volo.

Ricotrdiamo che il forma dell’evento prevede lo svolgimento di due Round Robin al termine dei quali i team megli classificati verranno promossi alla fase successiva. Da quel momento si procederà con confronti diretti al meglio delle tre regate.

[BMW Oracle Racing Press Release] While the American challenger for the 33rd America’s Cup is in San Diego, preparing for the Match in February, in Europe, the team is getting ready to take on the Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nice, the first in a number of regattas organised by Louis Vuitton and the new World Sailing Teams Association. The eight competing teams will match-race equalised ACC boats in the regatta.

BMW Oracle Racing will be represented in Nice by an all star line-up, led by team skipper and CEO, Russell Coutts, who is hoping to sail with the team in the early stages of the regatta: “I’m certainly looking forward to getting on board and doing some racing – Coutts said – The Louis Vuitton Trophy is a fantastic idea and it will be great for us to compete against some of the best sailing teams in the world”.

The team will get off to a fast start in the regatta, sailing immediately, having been matched against the new Italian team, Azzurra, in the first Match, of the first Flight of racing in Round Robin One. The American squad is scheduled to face the winner of the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, Emirates Team New Zealand in Flight 12, in what should be a highlight match.

BMW Oracle Racing will have a deep pool of talent from which to select its afterguard, including team owner Larry Ellison, Gavin Brady, Hamish Pepper and Michele Ivaldi.

The rest of the BMW Oracle Racing team in Nice is loaded with experience as well:
Alberto ‘Albi’ Barovier (midbow), Gavin Brady (afterguard), Russell Coutts (skipper and CEO), Cameron Dunn (traveller), Larry Ellison (afterguard), Shannon Falcone (mast), Daniel Fong (trimmer), Jamie Gale (pitman), Michele Ivaldi (afterguard), Jono MacBeth (runner), Brian MacInnes (grinder), Hamish Pepper (tactician), Rob Salthouse (trimmer), Alan Smith (bow), Joe Spooner (grinder), Andrew Taylor (grinder), Paul Westlake (trimmer), Hamish Willcox (strategist-meteo), Kazuhiko ‘Fuku’ Sofuku (spare), Andrew Palfrey (coach-chase boat), Joel Rewa-Morgan (physio).

Competition is sure to be fierce with the defending Louis Vuitton Cup holder, Emirates Team New Zealand, among the favourites. The line-up also includes several teams new to Cup-style racing, but each can boast of having experienced match racers on board, making for an intriguing line-up.
Racing in the Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nice is scheduled to start on the 7th November.

The eight teams will initially race two Rounds Robin, before the strongest teams advance to the final stages of the event, culminating in a ‘first to two points’ Final between the top two teams.

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