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Sono attesi fino a 16 nodi di vento, oggi, sul campo di regata della città catalana, che dovrebbe quindi riuscire a offrire le prime...

Audi MedCup – Barcellona – Sono attesi fino a 16 nodi di vento, oggi, sul campo di regata della città catalana, che dovrebbe quindi riuscire a offrire le prime emozionanti sfide della Regata Camper – Trofeo Conde de Godó – Barcellona.

L’attesa di vedere i team in azione è sempre maggiore, soprattutto in un campo di regata difficile come quello spagnolo. Sarà tanto, dunque, il lavoro per i tattici, e le sorprese non mancheranno di certo.

Al vertice, la grande sfida sarà fra Emirates Team New Zealand, Audi A1 powered by ALL4ONE, Quantum Racing e Matador, le prime quattro della classifica. Con TeamOrigin, quinto, e Artemis, ottavo, possibili outsider nell’ottica della vittoria di tappa. Tanta attesa infine per vedere all’opera anche la nostra Luna Rossa, che per la prima volta schiera un team di soli velisti italiani.

Primo giorno di regate anche per la GP42 Series, con i team che, dopo la strana practice race di ieri, da oggi faranno sul serio. Il pronostico è tutto spagnolo, con Iberdrola, Islas Canarias-Puerto Calero e Madrid-Caser Seguros favoriti per la vittoria finale. Dall’Italia, si tiferà allora per Airisessential, possibile outsider.

Le regate avranno inizio alle ore 13.00, con la diretta dell’Audi MedCup TV.

[Audi MedCup, Press Release] An altogether more promising forecast is already evolving nicely around the Moll de la Fusta dock in the heart of Barcelona where the fleets for the TP52 Series and the GP42 Series are preparing to head out for the first races of the Camper Regatta – Conde de Godó Trophy – Barcelona.

It is a little close and humid, but there is a decent NE’ly blowing and there is some confidence that this could be the hoped for three race day to get the third regatta of the 2010 Audi MedCup season under way. Up to 15 knots of wind is expected with some swell predicted to build which could produce some good sport for both classes.

Racing is due to get under way for the TP52 Series fleet with a first sequence at 1300hrs. Around that time the wind range 09-15kts from between 070 and 90 degrees. It is expected that the wind will continue to veer right steadily to about 110 degrees, then backing left at around 1500hrs, and it will drop a little after that as the thermal effects even out.

Bruno Zirilli navigator of Matador: “We have two different forecasts. One is steady on the left, increasing and moving right a little, and the other is steady from the south wind with about 16 knots of wind. So it is a tricky day. At the moment that first weather forecast seems to be more accurate, it will really be about looking at the wind. But we think it will be a three races day.”

“The forecast for the next days is promising, especially looking at what happened yesterday. The wind should be more steady for races. But I think anyway that it is difficult to find any real reliability on weather forecasts for around here, because looking at two different forecasts they show two different patterns.”

“I think the big picture forecasts really don’t take into the local situation here. The local situation maybe gets a bit lost in the big picture.”

“I think the forecast is not such an issue, what is important here is that we have wind to race.”

“We are confident here. We feel good in the light winds and that a part of the forecast suggests it is not going to be more than 15-16 knots here. We like that.”

Laureano Wizner, skipper of the GP42 Iberdrola, winner in Marseille, thinks today will be a good day for them. “We felt good about being fast with Airisessential yesterday in that light air,” he said, “and today there is a little more wind to stay within our range.”

But Iñaki Castañer, tactician of Peninsula Petroleum, is less confident. “This will be a strange day. The wind is out of the northeast, its cloudy, but if the sun breaks through it can change everything and be possibly worse than yesterday.”

This will keep Castañer and other tacticians worried. His team is the newest to the GP42 Series, and is hungry to get some good results on the scoreboard.

Ashore the Audi MedCup Public Village is a hive of activity, proving a great focal point for city visitors as the stroll around the Port Vell. At 18.00 this evening there is a batukada show and at 19.30 DJ’s play Back in the Days + B65.

Audi MedCup TV goes on air at 1250hrs with live coverage of all today’s racing, backed up by live commentary from the water, comment and interviews.

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